It’s funny God should make us a certain way and be puzzled as to why we follow the dictates of that nature. God doesn’t act against his nature, neither can he, but he demands that from us, and makes it a sine qua non condition to not be in utter misery for eternity.
I completely disagree with the idea that the quality of 80-90 years of this life does not really matter because the grave is the end. Just like God will base my eternal fate on how he judges my terrestrial life, likewise I will judge the quality of his fatherhood and godhood based on how life has been and how silent he has been and how he has turned a deaf ear to every cry for healing and happiness. I will also remember how he made damn sure all the psychological and cognitive failings that have essentially ruined my life were faithfully and fearfully passed on to my child. Sometimes, the thought of ever being close to God is very much like the thougth of ever being close and intimate with a traitor, more specifically of someone who has betrayed me. There was this 80s song, the lyrics were: “Don’t expect nothing (sic) from life, but everything we’ve got to give it”. Life and God are pretty similar, actually, both bleak and unrelenting, and heartless. I hate blood pudding, but I do know for a fact some think it’s a delicacy.
God knows that we are weak; He does not demand the impossible. And we can be sure that He will supply for whatever He asks of us, because without Him we can do nothing.
What is required of us for our salvation is very little compared with the constant interior sufferings of Jesus, which were manifested exteriorly in the Passion. Even though God cannot act contrary to His nature, it is also true that the intense sufferings He endured were repugnant to His human nature (except insofar as they satisfied the immense desires of His love, which needed to spend itself, so to speak).
I am sorry to hear that you have endured certain sufferings. I do not presume to know how much you have suffered… I firmly definitely believe that God wants us to be happy, and I believe that He gives us countless proofs of this. But, from what I have come to learn - especially through the writings and examples of the saints (who suffered very much) - the principle desire of God’s love is that we are united to Him. He is the Source of all Goodness; outside of Him there is only darkness, error and misery. It is for this reason that He permits or sends sufferings. He wants us to repent, to rely on His grace, to avoid sin, to be detached from the sinful pleasures of this life etc. We do not know the exact reason(s) for which God sends/permits His sufferings in relation to particular people - (It would be pointless trying to work it out) - but we do know that the Cross, borne willingly, leads to Paradise.
One day St. Gertrude asked Jesus why He had allowed her to be afflicted by certain people. He gave her this response: “When a father desires to punish his child, the rod can make no resistance to his hand. It is therefore My will that My elect shall never lay the blame on men for their trials, but that they shall rather consider My fatherly affection, which would never suffer the slightest breath of wind contrary to them if I had not in view the eternal salvation which they should receive in reward. Considering this, they should rather have compassion on those who, while contributing to their virtue, incur guilt for their own selves.”
All of us have a cross to bear, or even several crosses. Blessed Margaret of Castello was blind and left abandoned by her parents; St. Rita suffered much from her abusive husband; St. Padre Pio suffered from humiliations, mockery and derision. The list could go on indefinitely. The saints tell us how to transform our sufferings into sources of grace and merit. They would simply meditate daily on the sufferings of Jesus, then they would accept all their sufferings out of love for Him, uniting their sufferings to His.
Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Holy Trinity: “I loved suffering, I the Man of Sorrows; I chose it because it makes reparation for sins when it is offered with love… when suffering is joined to love, the proofs of love given through suffering are a true reparation offered to God. It is giving God something that He does not have in His Heaven. Therefore, I chose suffering so that all My creatures, even the most miserable, like yourself, might have something precious to offer to God.”
You might like to read the link that I posted earlier. It is very beautiful.
Take care.