Father Cantalamessa on True Conversion

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Zenit Article 20.1.06

Father Cantalamessa on True Conversion


Quoted below is a small section of the overall text:…
…“Repent and believe”: This phrase does not mean therefore two different and successive things, but the same fundamental action: Convert, that is, believe! By believing, be converted. Faith is the door through which one enters the Kingdom. If it had been said: The door is innocence, the door is exact observance of all the commandments, the door is patience, purity, one might say: it’s not for me; I’m not innocent, I am lacking in this or that virtue. But we are told: The door is faith. It is not impossible for anyone to believe, because God has created us free and intelligent precisely to make the act of faith in him possible for us.

Faith has different faces: There is the faith-assent of the intellect, faith-trust. In our case, it is a faith-appropriation, that is, an act by which one appropriates for oneself something, almost by arrogance. St. Bernard even uses the verb usurp: “What I cannot obtain on my own I usurp from the side of Christ!” …"…
Zenit Article 20.1.06

Father Cantalamessa on True Conversion


Quoted below is a small section of the overall text:…
I was thinking to disagree with Fr. Cantalamessa, as he says
“almost with arrogance”
and “usurp”

Then I realized he is appointed Preacher to the Vatican
and I am not ! 🙂

"Almost arrogance" is not “exactly” arrogance.

Just as Trains Zoom past each other in opposite directions at 70 mph and “almost crash head on” except for a space as narrow as a bicycle between them ! 🙂

**“usurp” ** is also “seize” or take hold of with force.
which is the same as “Seize the Hope which is offered to us from behind the veil” (Heb. 6: 18, 19)

God Bless,
Hi there Gusano…I had to smile - not so much what you know, as who you know - huh! 😃 Though I must admit if my source is reliable I am not so ready to disagree, but if my source is not reliable, then I feel perfectly at home disagreeing to my heart’s content.

It is a thought provoking homily!

Thank you for your Post…Peace…Barb:)
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