Father Forgive Them, They know not what they do

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Most frequently, Our Lord speaks in to us in a quiet, still whisper, yet on occasion when He really wants us to learn, He shouts!

Today’s readings were about St. Stephen, who was stoned by those who did not accept his teaching about Jesus, and St. Paul looked on and approved his murder. usccb.org/nab/today.htmhttp://www.usccb.org/nab/today.htm
As they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice,
“Lord, do not hold this sin against them”; and when he said this, he fell asleep.
Since we had been wondering just yesterday, how far forgiveness should be offered to another, it is providential, I believe that God has spoken today through the first reading to help us see the beauty of this virtue.

Some felt that we would be exempt from forgiveness when the offender has not expressed repentence or asked us for forgiveness. It was suggested that God Himself does not forgive the unrepentent.

As we look at the incident today with St. Stephen and Saul, it is clear that Saul and those who killed him did not repent nor did they ask for Stephen’s forgiveness — yet he gave it, unconditionally, and in his dying prayer, probably won the grace of St. Paul’s conversion. That is the awesome power of forgiveness!

A second “shout” just came this evening as I watched Joyce Meyers on TV, who was speaking about forgiveness with her guest. (I rarely, if ever, watch her, mind you!) A beautiful insight was expressed by her guest, who said that the person who has offended us, seldom realizes that they have done so, and therefore, we will wait a very, very long time for them to come to us and repent. They don’t even know they have done anything - WOW!

So the gentleman stressed that we need to forgive, for they “know not what they do.” As you can guess, my spirit leaped, for that is exactly the example of Jesus, Our Savior - “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” We see a little different example of the God-man who does forgive the unrepentent. Surely, those in the crowd jeering at Him to come down from His cross, were not in the mode of repentence, as we all remember.

He also spoke about Joseph in the O.T., whose brothers did away with him. When they were in the presence of Joseph in Egypt, they were not there to seek forgiveness, for they did not even know who he was. Yet Joseph revealed himself to them in complete love, with no apology or gesture of repentence coming from them. He simply embraced them and wept!

This is not meant to be a debate, but since all of this was coming today, I think there is a message that I feel very prompted to share, whether or not anyone is moved to accept it.

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