I am a woman - My husband was/ will be present at the birth of our children.
My husband and I took the Bradley classes in prep for our first child (and only so far). I feel that it was great info, but I’d rather he not have a job next time, except being my love. I think it was very hard on him because so much responsibility was laid on him. Next time I’d like for him to be there, but not have to worry about remembering information, suggesting positions, or fending off hospital staff eager to suggest interventions.
I did just post on another thread about how appealing I find solo-birthing (that is, kind of finding a quiet spot and doing it on my own, without husband or midwife) but I want him handy to call if I want company. During my first labor, I was alone for several hours, and those were some of my sweetest hours. It was just me, my baby, the contractions, the quiet, the couch, the chair, the birthball, and God. I could really listen to what was going on inside. But then, about 5 am, I wanted someone, and no question that the someone I wanted was DH.
A friend of mine who is a fast-birther had two of her children minutes before the midwife arrived. Both times her husband caught the baby, and it was very moving to hear him tell about it. He’s an easy-going guy and I think the speed of the births helped reduce the “I’ve got to save her” factor too. He had something to do, and a concrete way to be useful and it was great for him. I think when birth isn’t viewed as a medical emergency, it can really be just fine for a man to be around while his wife gives birth without feeling a lot of pressure to “do something” about it.