Fatima Family Holy Hour For Church

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May 13th is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Please join the Fatima Family Holy Hour For The Church , during this difficult time. Each month from May to October, we will post the Holy Hour on the 13th, to celebrate the apparition on that day in 1917.

Candle-Lighting for Reparation ~ Marian Hymn ~ Fatima Reading & Prayer ~ The Holy Rosary ~ Litany of Our Lady of Fatima ~ Final Prayer ~ Closing Hymn

Our Holy Hour will begin with a Candle-Lighting for Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The candle will remain lit for the duration. Our Lady will see all our little lights from Heaven throughout the day, and know that there is love for her on earth…that we empathize with all her sorrows, especially for the outrages against the unborn. We will then sing a hymn and tell the story of the events on that particular day in the life of the three children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. Prayers given to the children from on high will be said. We will then pray the Rosary associated with that day of the week. Litany to follow, along with a Final Prayer. We conclude with a closing hymn.

You may wish to print out the format, so everyone in your group may easily follow along. This is not a video or live event. It is a format for you to perform privately in the home. Please help spread the word. If you participate, please share below. Blessings to all and your families!

A Project of Nomen Christi Apostolate
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If you don’t get to do this on the feast May 13th, remember May is the month of the Blessed Mother, so any time during May would be totally appropriate! Please share how your family was blessed by this devotion and consider making Our Lady of Fatima’s requests a part of your daily life. See bluearmy.com .
I hope that people will still consider participating in this at home. Any time through the end of May is fine and please tell us here how this devotion blessed you and your family. Is there anything you would add to it or change? Do you perform any of the Fatima requests regularly?

My husband and I were very blessed last night when we did this devotion. We sat in front of our statue of Our Lady of Fatima, with a candle in front of the statue. I placed a bouquet of flowers next to the statue as well. It was so beautiful and peaceful, a bit of Heaven in the midst of this chaotic world. Very consoling. I know if you do this, you will be greatly blessed and will not regret it!

Please also look out for the next one-June 13!

Your Catholic Answers Friend In Christ-CF Mathews
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