Just curious as to which authors are your favorites. For me:
G.K. Chesterton- One of the first Catholic authors I ever read. I’ve read The Everlasting Man, Orthodoxy, Heretics, What’s Wrong with the World and his biographies of St Francis of Assisi and St. Thomas Aquinas. I find him to be very funny, and some of his insights are as applicable today as they are when they wrote them.
Bishop Fulton Sheen- A very warm Catholic writer. I own* Your Life is Worth Living (transcribed from some record albums he recorded), I’ve read Those Mysterious Priests, and another one that I can’t remember.
Scott Hahn- *Probably one of the best Catholic writers at this time, IMHO. Someone loaned me a copy of Rome Sweet Home when I was in RCIA. I read it twice in one week! It really confirmed my decision to become Catholic. I currently own *Hail Holy Queen, Lamb’s Supper, Lord Have Mercy and Swear to God.
I’ve read the first two, and am in the middle of the third one at this time.
Frank Duff- *Founder of the Legion of Mary. I only have one of his books, a 1961 hardcover edition of *Mary Shall Reign *that I bought at a Friends of the Library book sale. I think it was published in Ireland, as the dustcover lists other books and gives their prices in shillings! Anyway, the book is a collection of some of his essays. With stuff on the Eucharist, the Nativity, several chapters about Mary etc, this little book is a real gem.
Oh, and I forgot one other…
**Karl Keating *- I have two of his books: What Catholics Believe-setting the record straight, and Controversies: High Level Catholic Apologetics. *The first one is currently out on loan to a Catholic coworker to help explain the Faith to his Pentecostal wife- hope it helps! The second one isn’t really written by him except for the introduction. It consists of letters written by Catholics like Arnold Lunn, Hillaire Belloc, Cardinal Newman and Ronald Knox to non-Catholics explaining the Faith. One of these days I plan to get a copy of his Catholicism and Fundamentalism
Any other nominations?
G.K. Chesterton- One of the first Catholic authors I ever read. I’ve read The Everlasting Man, Orthodoxy, Heretics, What’s Wrong with the World and his biographies of St Francis of Assisi and St. Thomas Aquinas. I find him to be very funny, and some of his insights are as applicable today as they are when they wrote them.
Bishop Fulton Sheen- A very warm Catholic writer. I own* Your Life is Worth Living (transcribed from some record albums he recorded), I’ve read Those Mysterious Priests, and another one that I can’t remember.
Scott Hahn- *Probably one of the best Catholic writers at this time, IMHO. Someone loaned me a copy of Rome Sweet Home when I was in RCIA. I read it twice in one week! It really confirmed my decision to become Catholic. I currently own *Hail Holy Queen, Lamb’s Supper, Lord Have Mercy and Swear to God.
I’ve read the first two, and am in the middle of the third one at this time.
Frank Duff- *Founder of the Legion of Mary. I only have one of his books, a 1961 hardcover edition of *Mary Shall Reign *that I bought at a Friends of the Library book sale. I think it was published in Ireland, as the dustcover lists other books and gives their prices in shillings! Anyway, the book is a collection of some of his essays. With stuff on the Eucharist, the Nativity, several chapters about Mary etc, this little book is a real gem.
Oh, and I forgot one other…
**Karl Keating *- I have two of his books: What Catholics Believe-setting the record straight, and Controversies: High Level Catholic Apologetics. *The first one is currently out on loan to a Catholic coworker to help explain the Faith to his Pentecostal wife- hope it helps! The second one isn’t really written by him except for the introduction. It consists of letters written by Catholics like Arnold Lunn, Hillaire Belloc, Cardinal Newman and Ronald Knox to non-Catholics explaining the Faith. One of these days I plan to get a copy of his Catholicism and Fundamentalism
Any other nominations?