Favorite Priest Getting Transfered

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I just found out that my favorite priest, Father George, the one that set me on the right track with my life, is getting transfered to another parish. This bothers me for several reasons. Allow me to explain:

I’m a teenager, and this priest knows what kids go through, and I can talk to him about ANYTHING. It was so great to have someone at my church I could talk to.

My parish is very new, so we only have one other priest, the pastor. He has said several times he doesn’t like kids, and unless you’re giving money to help build our church, he won’t talk to you.

I actually feel devestated that Father George is moving, I feel like I have no one left to talk to. I don’t look foward to going to church now, because I know already who will be saying the mass.

I don’t know how to explain what I’m feeling, so if this has wasted anyone’s time, I apoligize. Its just, I always felt I had someone to talk to, and now that’s gone, so I don’t know what to do.
Some time when he isn’t busy, find out where he is going. Check up on him at times. Maybe he’ll make time to speak with you at a time. I would do that if my Msgr. McGough moved. I love him, he is one of the best people I know.
The mere fact that he’s moving doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s moving far. I second the advice to find out what his new assignment is, and if possible, arrange to meet with him regularly as your confessor/spiritual director.
Just try to stay in touch with him by all means. Our parish priest, who has been there for 12 years, is being transferred in June. It bites. (I really like our associate pastor though, so hopefully he will make the transition a little easier.) Hang in there. Maybe like someone else suggested you can make plans to hang out every couple of months or something like that, you know? 🙂 Good Luck.
you have been very fortunate for the guidance of this good priest at this stage in your life. by all means if he is not too far away continue to visit him for confession and spiritual direction. However, remember that our devotion to the church is not dependent on the personality or qualities of the individual priest. for a congregation to rebel against a new pastor assigned to them, just because they loved their old priest is a grave abuse. your current pastor is the one placed there by your bishop, who has wisdom we do not have, and when celebrating Mass, hearing confessions and giving the other sacraments is in persona Christi, is Christ himself. work on trying to see Christ in all priests.
you have been very fortunate for the guidance of this good priest at this stage in your life. by all means if he is not too far away continue to visit him for confession and spiritual direction. However, remember that our devotion to the church is not dependent on the personality or qualities of the individual priest. for a congregation to rebel against a new pastor assigned to them, just because they loved their old priest is a grave abuse. your current pastor is the one placed there by your bishop, who has wisdom we do not have, and when celebrating Mass, hearing confessions and giving the other sacraments is in persona Christi, is Christ himself. work on trying to see Christ in all priests.
Dearest Annie

Wonderful advice as always!

Recently my Parish Priest left and everyone loved him more than I can write down here. I love him very much, but the Holy Spirit has led him elsewhere, so now we have a lovely new Priest and I have grown to like and love him as well. My old Priest will always be extra special to me and from time to time (but not too frequently) I, with friends and family, will make a visit to his new Parish to raise Holy Mass with him, but as you say Annie, we have a duty to continue in the Parish we are in and love all Priests who are passing through… we are all sojourners.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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