Favorite Religious Order

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What is your favorite religious order and why do you like them.

For me

Society of Jesus (scholarly and missionary work, Ignatius spirituality)

Franciscans (Helping the poor, life of poverty)

Dominicans (Preaching, scholarly, St. Dominic)

Trappists (Silence, prayer, study,)

FSSP (Tradition, training of the Extraordinary form)
I was educated at a Benedictine undergrad college, so I have a certain affection for them in general. The long monastic tradition has had a fairly significant influence on my spiritual life, even studying for the diocesan priesthood. This has come in the form of a love for the Rule of Benedict but also for the broader monastic tradition, especially in the East. The Philokalia and The Way of a Pilgrim are my two current fascinations.

  • Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (devotion to the Divine Mercy, love for the Eucharist)
  • Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (devotion to others, with the main focus to serve Jesus)
  • Benedictines (LOTH, Benedictine Way, enclosure)
Those are only a few. There are many more I adore, but I don’t want to bombard this thread. 😛
My favorite is the Franciscan Order. I think I may be a little biased though since I am in the Secular Franciscan Order 😉
I am Descaled Carmelite Secular. I joined that Secular religious Order because of its contemplative spirituality. And as a way to seek God. And it is a journey in seeking Him that lasts for life.
If I was to join an order it would be the Benedictines - I love how, for them, everything revolves around prayer, no matter what other activities they may be involved in. There’s something about the rhythm of their observance of the divine office which appeals to me. I’m also attracted by the wisdom contained in the Rule of St Benedict.
If I was to join an order it would be the Benedictines - I love how, for them, everything revolves around prayer, no matter what other activities they may be involved in. There’s something about the rhythm of their observance of the divine office which appeals to me. I’m also attracted by the wisdom contained in the Rule of St Benedict.
There are many religious orders and if God calls and we have prayed for discernment, He will help us and show us what order he is calling us too. All religious orders have spirituality and Chrism of the order ., The one I belong was due to being called to that order that was God wanted me to be to best serve Him.

Peace and Good! 🙂
I am a secular franciscan brother since 17 November 1981. 😉
When I was an adolescent, I dreamed to be a monk or a friar belonging to a religious order whose members went barefoot or putting on sandals. I don’ t know again why, but I follow being a barefooting / discalceament apologist. So, I thought to be perhaps a Discalced Carmelite monk, or a Passionist. :rolleyes:
But somebody talked me about Capuchins, and with the passage of time I knew better this Order, with their preaches, their simple habit, their sandaled feet, but as I was a secular one, married, I joined the Secular Franciscan Order at a fraternity assisted by the Capuchin Friars, although doing a private vow to pray the Liturgy of Hours, to use the holy secular franciscan habit and being barefoot whenever possible, and when no possible to put on sandals or another simple and humble footwear. 👍
So, my favorite Religious Order are the Capuchin Minor Friars! Jesus, Mary and FRancis bless them and you all! :crossrc:
Br. Alberto Guimaraes OFS
Braga - Portugal
Benedictines – because of the balance of prayer and work (ora et labora). 🙂
ICKSP (Traditionalism and forma extraordinaria ❤️)
Chartusians (silent … after God and Latin my third love :))
Dominicans (Preaching - I really like talk (even too much)
Society of Jesus (study …)
and more others …😃

In Christ,
brother Attempto
Society of Jesus (love their charism to find God in all things)
Dominicans (because of their preaching and study)
Norbertines (for their work in making all things new in Christ)

If I was to join one of them, it would probably be the SJ.
My favourite order number one hands down is the Dominican order 😃 but if I had to choose a second for some reason it would be the Carmelite order. Cloistered life seems draw me in for some reason I guess… :o
@trilor: Kudos for the George Thoroughgood reference - - that’s a first for CAF, I think.
Before I came into the Church, I read Dark Night of the Soul, Interior Castle and Story of a Soul while in RCIA - I lived across the street from a library. When I heard about third orders, I knew someday I wanted to be in one. Life reached a point where I could, so I tried the Secular Franciscans. After the first year, my husband lost his job and I couldn’t afford to travel to the meetings. Life got normal again and, since I knew at that time that while I was called to a third order, that order wasn’t the Franciscans. So I tried the Dominicans. They met at our church. Then I got a spiritual director. When I told her I had decided to read Ascent to Mt. Carmel for Lent this year, she asked me if I had ever considered the Carmelites. I visited. Guess what? I wasn’t a Dominican or a Franciscan. It was the silence that got me. I will be receiving my Scapular when we have our ceremonies in April. I will be taking the religious name of my favorite (almost) Saint, John Paul II. So I would have to say that while I like the other orders, I love the Discalced Carmelites.
May God bless you!!! As a Carmelite Secular, I found that the silence and solitude is what helps one on the journey in seeking the face of Christ. Community is important and it helps one to have more zeal for the Lord under the protection of our Blessed Lady of Mount Carmel.
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