Favorite songs during Lent

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What are your favorite songs for Lent?

By the Waters of Babylon
Literally, one of my favorite songs of all time. Be it in Znamenny Chant, Bzyantine Chant, or its various incarnations from a few hundred years ago to modern times, none beat it hearing it in Kievan Chant, in my opinion.

Now the Powers of Heaven
From the Presanctified liturgy, this tune by Lvovsky is the best, in my opinion.
O My Lord, To Thee I Bow (for the 3rd Sunday of the Great Fast)

Now the Powers of Heaven (from Presanctified Liturgy)

O Tebi Raduyetsya (Megalynarion of the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great)

Stradalna Mati (Sorrowful Mother is the literal title but it’s known as Beneath the Cross)
Wa Habibi (Oh Beloved)
We sing it on Fridays of Lent after benediction of the Cross.


^Something like this?

Here’s traditional style Byzantine chant of Psalm 135
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Syro Malabar Ash Monday song:

I love it! It has an amazing message to that we are just mere dust
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