Favourite Book

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the Holy Rule of St Benedict (after Sacred Scripture, of course)
The Immitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
Show Us Your Mercy and Love by Cardinal Justin Rigali

after the Bible of course, I found reading “Witness to Hope” by George Weigel, the biography of Pope JP II, to be one of the most outstanding books I Have ever read in my life. It has had quite an impact on my life, in many ways.
Well, obviously, the Bible…But, that is a different category!!

But I love St Teresa of Avila. I read her over & over. There is always more to learn from her…I also love the way that you can catch a glimpse of her personality from reading her works. I have read that people who knew her, said that she wrote exactly as she spoke, so I feel like I am hearing her, as well as reading her.
My favorite book in spirituality is the biography of St John Bosco,and anything written by him.🙂
The Way, The Furrow, The Forge St. Josemaria Escriva

Laura 😛
Anything written by G. K. Chesterton. Even his two greatest novels “Napoleon of Notting Hill,” and “The Man who Was Thursday” are great spiritual reading.
Yours in Christ,
I’m currently reading the best book on prayer I’ve ever read–“Christian Meditation” by Hans Urs von Balthasar (Ignatius Press). Kind of difficult and may not be for everyone, but I have about 2/3rds of it highlighted, underlined, etc. and intend to read, re-read and re-re-read it. It opened up whole new perspectives for me about prayer which I needed.

Just finished George Weigel’s “The Cube and the Cathedral” which is about the best fairly short summary of a society without God as it’s playing out in Europe (and by implication here). Frightening but at times hopeful.

Been on a roll bookwise!
Thanks! following these I’ve gone “window-shopping” at Amazon and found a great list

It’s essential, I started with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, later I’ll go through what you people have recommended!
I love “Come to me in the Blessed Sacrament” by Rev. Vincent Lucia and use the book often during Holy Hour.
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