Hi everyone. I guess I’ll start my question with this. My goal in life is to find a wife, fall in love and have kids, and raise them in the church so they can become good people. My question comes as I see now in 2020, that we are drifting further and further away from God (not going to church, abortion, contraception, same-sex marriage) to name a few issues. I can only see these getting worse as time goes on. I’m still young, only 21 years old but I’m thinking about the future not only of myself and how difficult it has been to be a practicing catholic, but how much more difficult it will be for my children. I definitely don’t want to be a father who “shoves the faith down their throat”, I want them to choose it freely, however I’m afraid that they may not since the world has so much influence. I don’t want to be seen by my children as a “Jesus Freak”, not in a good way of course, who doesn’t let them live out of fear of sin. I just want them to be safe and for them to see Heaven. I know I shouldn’t be fearful and I should “have faith” in God but it’s hard with the state of the world as it is. I’m currently in college and I see how little the students think of God. I have struggled a lot with sin, and thankfully, due to God’s grace, kept striving to be holy, and not giving up on God. I’m just scared my kids may someday give up on Him. If it’s this hard now, how do we encourage our kids without seeming “not with the times” or “old fashioned” to the point of dismissal? I may be thinking too much about this but I was wondering if anyone else has had these thoughts. Any (name removed by moderator)ut is welcome.