I hope you will think about my words. I’m a 62-year old woman who has been married to a Christian man for almost 40 years, and we raised two tremendous daughters.
Many women still believe in waiting for the man to ask them out, and they are not comfortable trying to “lure” the man by flirting or even hinting. These are the type of women that you hope to fall in love with and marry someday, right? Good for you!
So think about this–by NOT asking them out, YOU are behaving selfishly and assuring that these decent, modest young women will remain single and lonely. THEY can’t ask YOU out because of their modesty and you won’t ask them out because…basically because of fear of rejection.
You hide this fear of rejection by saying that you are afraid they will want to become sexually active, but honestly now, you can probably get a pretty good idea of a woman’s sexual intentions by the way she dresses, speaks, acts, and by the friends she hangs around with and the interests that she talks about.
A woman doesn’t have to dress like a pilgrim and keep her head bowed and say “thee and thou” to be a wholesome and decent woman who plans to wait until marriage to make love to the man she loves.
But in all likelihood, she won’t be wearing suggestive clothing, and she wont be using swear words, and she won’t be coming on to you or any man, and she’ll probably be faithful about attending church and even getting involved with some ministry in the church. The books she carries will be wholesome and uplifting, and she probably prays and reads the Bible and she probably listens to music that doesn’t include “f” bombs and violent lyrics. And she’s likely to be pro-life and willing to speak up in classroom and social settings.
Read Proverbs 31–Christian women have many of these pious and commendable traits. Since you are in school, it would be good to look for the smartest women in your classes–it’s always good to be married to a woman who works hard and is capable of earning a living should anything happen to you. Also, an intelligent woman will be an interesting woman and can keep you company when the TV is broken and you don’t have money to go to the movies.
One more thing–a beautiful woman may NOT be beautiful physically. Please be willing to look past a few extra pounds (or a few extra bones, if the woman is very thin), unruly hair, circles under the eyes, acne, clumsiness, no fashion sense, etc.–many young women who have physical flaws are still learning how to “look” beautiful, and many women who are gawky in college grow up into stunning women! (And many stay the same, but they are beautiful to the man who loves them!)
As the Bible says, Beauty is fleeting. Even the most beautiful women will grow old. Even a beautiful woman can be diagnosed with cancer, or be in an accident, or become depressed–these conditions often affect a woman’s (and a man’s) looks. DON’T LOOK FOR OUTWARD BEAUTY–look for inner beauty.
So take a deep breath, be brave, and ASK women out. If you don’t have the courage to ask women out and date them, you don’t have the courage to be married and have a family.