Federal Appeals Court Upholds Federal Protection for Pro-Life Medical Professionals

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Federal Appeals Court Upholds Federal Protection for Pro-Life

Medical ProfessionalsWASHINGTON, November 15, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A federal appeals court yesterday upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by a pro-abortion group challenging the “Weldon Amendment.” The Weldon Amendment is a federal statute that prohibits the federal government or state and local governments receiving certain federal aid from discriminating against medical professionals who refuse to perform or refer for abortions.

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Federal Appeals Court Upholds Federal Protection for Pro-Life

Medical ProfessionalsWASHINGTON, November 15, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A federal appeals court yesterday upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by a pro-abortion group challenging the “Weldon Amendment.” The Weldon Amendment is a federal statute that prohibits the federal government or state and local governments receiving certain federal aid from discriminating against medical professionals who refuse to perform or refer for abortions.

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Always nice when we win one!
Now pray for the same protections for those that dispense the “morning after pill” or ABC.
The Weldon Amendment is a federal statute that prohibits the federal government or state and local governments receiving certain federal aid from discriminating against medical professionals who refuse to perform or refer for abortions.
This is upholding the time honored tradition of “conscience clauses,” and it is certainly right to do.
Yes we won this one. But, now we need to fight for the same protection for those that dispense our meds. A pharmacist should not be made to do what a Dr is unwilling and protected from doing. This is just pass the buck on to someone else.
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