Feel like I'm being called to the Church... but not sure?

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I’m a 23 year old female, I’m not Catholic… but I’ve had an interest in the Church. One thing that’s held me back is that I like women (in a sexual way), I’m not sure if I’m a full lesbian though. I’m graduating college in December with a degree in psychology, and for some reason working in a Catholic school or even mission/charitable work has interested me. Even a life in a convent has greatly interested me. I’m just not sure where to go from here.
Ask the Lord to take away those feelings for other women, he can and will if you let him. I think your feeling of sorts is to simply help others, there is nothing wrong with that, taking it further into doing service for the church is entirely another matter. You must become free from your current draw towards women before you will be remotely ready, and I’m the type that holds little respect for clergy that still have those tendacies they struggle with, they should be above that entirely, otherwise they are still stuck in a worldly and rather perverted perspective of understanding regardless of what rank they hold within the church.
Dear sister, unfortunately this is the society that we find ourselves in. We all have heavy crosses to bear because temptation is everywhere. But God knows this (obviously!), and where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more (Rom. 5:20). So our Lord Jesus brought His Divine Mercy devotion to St. Faustina specifically for these terrible times, you should look into it. God bless.
Please be aware, that the Catholic Church hates the sin, but loves the sinner, when it comes to a homosexual life style. You will be expected, like everyone else, to be celibate, and not engage in sexual activities with ANYONE who is not your spouse. If you are prepared to accept that commitment, for the rest of your life, then your next step would be to learn more about the Church. You can do that by attending a Sunday Mass at one of your local parishes and reading some good books, like “Catechism of the Catholic Church” or “Catholicism for Dummies”. If you know someone, who you are comfortable with, and is a practicing Catholic you might approach them with any questions. Check your campus for a Newman Club, that is a Catholic organization for college students and they should be helpful. If and when you do enter the Church, the Holy Spirit wiil guide you in wherever your gifts and talents will be the most useful. Welcome Home! :dancing:
I’m a 23 year old female, I’m not Catholic… but I’ve had an interest in the Church. One thing that’s held me back is that I like women (in a sexual way), I’m not sure if I’m a full lesbian though. I’m graduating college in December with a degree in psychology, and for some reason working in a Catholic school or even mission/charitable work has interested me. Even a life in a convent has greatly interested me. I’m just not sure where to go from here.
Women being attracted to other women isn’t a sin. There can be many reasons why a woman feels this way. What the Church asks is chastity within your state of life, that’s married or not. IOW, purity in intention. You may want to read “Theology of the Body” by Pope John Paul II. He discusses sexual attraction and what it means to the Catholic way of thinking.

I would also say that the female form is attractive to both men and women. This no doubt is biological and has to do with mothering/nurturing. Women don’t really dress for men, you know, we dress for the opinion of other women. 😉 Culturally, we look to one another for what is acceptable and what isn’t. I’m not trying to belittle your dilemma, but just saying that attraction isn’t necessarily an evil. It’s what we do with attraction that makes it right or wrong.

With all due respect to the opinions of others here, blessing on us all, but you don’t have to wait until you have “rid” yourself of anything to pursue becoming a Catholic. Your struggles are a part of your life. You can’t just turn them off, no matter what they might be. Jesus wants us to come to him as we are and let him do the transforming. That’s what the Sacraments are for–giving us the grace to be transformed into Christ.

So, welcome to the journey of exploring the Church! May God bless you and guide you along the way. 🙂 You have my prayers.
I found that understanding the Church’s teachings about contraception and sex outside of marriage made its teachings about homosexuality make a lot more sense. I had to understand what sex was for before I could accept the church’s ground rules.

Janet Smith’s “Sexual Common Sense” CD lecture series was a great resource for me, but there are many other resources (book, audio, and DVD) about the Theology of the Body as well. I would recommend finding one of the threads here about that topic with recommended resources and start with one of them.
Every member of the Church is a sinner!! Every single one. It wouldn’t be the same if it was not so. Don’t feel awkward joining this team of sinners, I guarantee you we all have our own story as you do.

I would recommend reading This Rock magazine, getting a subscription if possible, or reading it online and borrowing old copies from a priest or friend (as I do). There’s so many articles in there that will speak to you directly…

The Courage to Do What Herod Didn’t Do: He Left The Gay Lifestyle For the Chruch
Both Pharisee and Publican Call the Church Home

And not to mention the Quick Questions, etc. Also read the Bible and the Catechism, you’ll find so much there that will speak to you as well, even more profoundly. One of the saints actually started out as a devil worshipper and then converted. St Paul persecuted and had Christians killed. Trust me, you’re not going to be an oddity at mass:D as long as you’re repentant.

I’m praying for you!!! So glad that you had the courage to post something. I hope we’re helping you at least a bit

I have been a Catholic all of my life but had problems in my early teens because I wasn’t able to make the transtition from a child’s faith to an adult’s. And I was a terrible sinner. Only years into this did I go to Confession and I cried such tears afterwards! And God had forgiven me… it’s the most beautiful feeling in the world. All the guilt is removed! All there is is peace. And with you, it sounds like you havent’ actually sinned, it’s just the guilt of such thoughts. God can fix everything, and it’s said that everybody needs a cross to bear in their lives to remind them how weak they are and how they need God. And now I’m in the part of life where I’m REALLY trying to outwardly live like Christ at every moment. For example today I made the sign of the cross before and after lunch at my public school in front of all of my friends. And taped up a prayer card from my grandmother’s funeral with the Immaculate Heart of Mary on it. And so much more… You’ll find that life as a Catholic will be extremely hard, but more rewarding both now and in eternity than you could ever imagine! The best part is when you surrender yourself to God’s will and just allow Him to work through you to make the world a better place… having no idea where he’ll take you. Please come into the Church! You are always free to leave, but you’re accountable only to yourself and God. You really won’t regret it… often the converts are the ones who make the best catholics. Such as St.
I would recommend the Courage Apostolate. It’s an apostolate for women and men with same sex temptations. Check it out here:


Meanwhile, I will be praying for you. :crossrc:
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