A while back I had a severe depressive episode and it took me 4 years to get well again and get off the medicine. I have been off it for 5 months now and things are starting to crumble. I cry all the time and I have no patience. I feel like am am living alongside people but no with them. I can’t stand my husband anymore - he irritates me beyond belief. I feel anxious all the time and I can’t cope with what I could cope with before. Even keeping up with the chores seems like a mammoth task. Thing is, we wanted to have another baby and thai is why I came off the meds. I had no interest in physical relationships on medicine and now I am off it the depression is causing me to be not interested. I feel like I can’t win and I can’t be bothered tryiong anymore. My marraige is being ruined by a stupid illness and I feel like everything is spira;;ing out of control. and there is othing I can do. I am so angry with God and I wish he didn’t exist cos it means that this cycle will go on forever and I hate it. I just wish there could be nothing.