Hey everyone. The past couple of weeks I have been feeling a connection to the Catholic Church. I have only been to one mass and that was two years ago. I loved the service and I plan on going to another mass this Saturday. I am in my early twenties and married. My wife doesn’t like liturgical churches, she likes non-denominational contemporary ones so it is just me going alone. She doesnt have a problem with me going, she just wants me to attend church. I have prayed many times and it seems like the Catholic Church is for me. I have inquired at several parishes about mass times and RCIA but I want to study everything I can about Catholicism before I commit to something. Many parishes are having RCIA after Labor Day. Should I go ahead and jump in and start or should I wait and start next year? If I wait I wont be able to be Catholic for 2 years. I have heard they interview you in RCIA. What does that consist of? I am kind of shy so hopefully they won’t single me out. I have requested many books from the library on conversion stories and basic beliefs. I come from a Protestant background but love the liturgy and how Catholics have a great personal relationship wiuh God. Any help and guidance through my journey would be appreciated.