Feigned ignorace/hardened heart

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The CCC says that feigned ignorance/hardened heart can increase the culpability of a mortal sin.

What if Im genuinely unsure about something I did in the past?

It sounds silly but heres the situation:

I was playing a football game called “Madden” with my friend.

In madden theres a play called “Hail Mary” which i wanted to run, but chose to run a different play.

Right before i was going to tell my friend “I shouldve chosen a Hail Mary…” i began questioning if this is a sin because it felt like i was misusing Mary’s name and i vaguely remembered something about taking Marys name in vain being a sin.

But I was thinking to myself “what else am I supposed to call it? Maybe its not a sin to say it because im not actually taking her name in vain.”

Mind you, all this happened in the span of a few seconds so i didn’t really have much time to think about this, but would that be considered a hardened heart or feigned ignorance? Because im tempted to think it was not a mortal sin since i thought i didn’t think it was one at the time, and plus i didn’t have much time to apply reason or research since the words were coming out already.
Do you know why that play is called the Hail Mary? Look it up. Not sinful.
Roger Staubach said about his game-winning touchdown pass to wide receiver Drew Pearson, “I closed my eyes and said a Hail Mary.”

This wasn’t the first mention of it, but the one which popularized the expression.

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