As I ponder the shooting in Ferguson, MO I ask myself who is prejudging whom?
I have to side with Holden and President Obama and the FBI investigators.
The head of the Justice Department has not demanded arrests for the officer involved in the tragic ending of the life of Michael Brown. If the officer were guilty, would Holder and his boss President Obama demand the arrest?
As a citizen of St. Louis, MO and a fellow parishioner of the Chief of Police in St. Louis, MO, I ask is Holden and President Obama telling their side of the story? If so, to whom?
I do not know the Chief of Police of St. Louis, MO.
I must ask, what do the African American police officers think?
If they are speaking out, I have missed it.
I do not have time to read the printed media nor much of the e-media.
Also, what are the Churches saying?
Again, I do not have time to research.
If any person answers this, I will most likely only read and learn.
I am not here to fight; I am here to hear and learn.
If this is on other threads, I have not searched–don’t have time.
I have to side with Holden and President Obama and the FBI investigators.
The head of the Justice Department has not demanded arrests for the officer involved in the tragic ending of the life of Michael Brown. If the officer were guilty, would Holder and his boss President Obama demand the arrest?
As a citizen of St. Louis, MO and a fellow parishioner of the Chief of Police in St. Louis, MO, I ask is Holden and President Obama telling their side of the story? If so, to whom?
I do not know the Chief of Police of St. Louis, MO.
I must ask, what do the African American police officers think?
If they are speaking out, I have missed it.
I do not have time to read the printed media nor much of the e-media.
Also, what are the Churches saying?
Again, I do not have time to research.
If any person answers this, I will most likely only read and learn.
I am not here to fight; I am here to hear and learn.
If this is on other threads, I have not searched–don’t have time.