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If the shows offend why watch them? Why don’t you just turn off the television?
They can and do shut it off.

The American public own the ariways contrary to popular belief. It is there fro the common good and decency standards should be adhered to.
I appreciate you posting the link, but I’m not going to file this complaint against ER. While I do think that there is some portions of ER that you could file a complaint against, the one cited in the link would be very weak. I think the movement would be hurt more by filing a weak complaint than not by filing a complaint at all.
I appreciate you posting the link, but I’m not going to file this complaint against ER. While I do think that there is some portions of ER that you could file a complaint against, the one cited in the link would be very weak. I think the movement would be hurt more by filing a weak complaint than not by filing a complaint at all.
The FCC doesn’t work that way. They are mandated to investigate and respond to every complaint and evaluate whether it violates decency standards.

Perhaps others will file. If they see that even these things are offensive then they may back off.
I stopped watching ER a long time ago mainly because of what I considered consistant and blatant pushing of their own particular ideology without much effort at balance.
If i’ve never watched the show, which i haven’t, how can i file a complaint?

i’m not going to complain about anything because an organization tells me to. if i see it and I am offended, then i file a complaint. or more likely, i just turn the channel and don’t watch and don’t buy the advertisers product.

snapple sponsored howard stern’s tv show in the 90s. i haven’t bought a snapple since the first time i saw their ad on his show.
thats more effective than a letter. the combined effect if everyone did this would cancel many objectionable shows rather quickly.

i just went to that website and watched the clips… there was one word uttered and a breastfeeding joke… is anyone seriously offended by this? i know being CA the answer will be yes, but the petition pushing org should pick their battles a little more carefully. If they make a big deal out of those benign scenes, their argument almost becomes cartoonish.

also, the website showing clips of those two shows are doing so, i’m sure, without permission of the show creators. That is more objectionable to me as an artist than the words uttered.
I think these complaints, both of them are weak as well. There are many more things on tv and that are going to be on tv that are much much worse. Now I’m not saying that this isn’t bad, but you have to pick your battles. If you really want to fight for something fight with NBC about their desire to air a Madonna concert in which she MOCKS THE CRUCIFIXION

Information here

Complaining about this to the FCC will just get ignored. I agree that is 1 million people complained about these clips to the FCC you might get a response but I highly doubt you would get 1 million.

Sorry, but there are so many offensive things in the world worth fighting for and I don’t think this is one of them.

Btw, I don’t watch ER and I’ve NEVER heard of “desire” so I am unfamiliar with these shows anyways.
Sorry, but I don’t really find either one of those offensive.

Maybe I’m too jaded living in house with 3 teen or nearly boys! That’s nothing!

(If you want to be offended, come visit an elementary school playground some day!!)
If i’ve never watched the show, which i haven’t, how can i file a complaint?

i’m not going to complain about anything because an organization tells me to. if i see it and I am offended, then i file a complaint. or more likely, i just turn the channel and don’t watch and don’t buy the advertisers product.

snapple sponsored howard stern’s tv show in the 90s. i haven’t bought a snapple since the first time i saw their ad on his show.
thats more effective than a letter. the combined effect if everyone did this would cancel many objectionable shows rather quickly.

i just went to that website and watched the clips… there was one word uttered and a breastfeeding joke… is anyone seriously offended by this? i know being CA the answer will be yes, but the petition pushing org should pick their battles a little more carefully. If they make a big deal out of those benign scenes, their argument almost becomes cartoonish.

also, the website showing clips of those two shows are doing so, i’m sure, without permission of the show creators. That is more objectionable to me as an artist than the words uttered.
Snapple has no idea why they lost you as a customer. This is a way to give them that feedback.
The FCC will investigate each and every complaint.
Sure, by investigating that means an intern will watch the same clips we do, then have to make a judgement call whether or not this is worth pursiing with the “higher ups” and will probably say no. That will be their investigation.

Just because someone says they’re going to “investigate it” doesn’t mean they are going to do an in depth analysis and get out focus groups and see if this was truely offensive, UNLESS tons of people complain, and that’s my point, most people are not going to complain about this because its not worth the battle. Sorry, that’s just how I feel. Please visit AFM as my link posted above, they are a great Christian lobby that really fights for these types of things! Good luck!
Nah, not only is the one on ER weak, it’s goofy. Face it, the language has changed.

Case in point, one of my pet peeves is “p*ssed off” (my asterisk) used instead of irritated. I complained to a moderator about this, and was told that apart from the foul language, there was nothing wrong with the post.

NOTE: I am not complaining about a moderator decision!!

My point is that the one “objectionable” word is in common usage. Complain about something valid.

BTW, do a search on that word, and you will find it seven times on this board.

I’ve never watched ER and I’ve never heard of Desire, so I can’t complain, I guess. The programs get worse all the time. Thank God we still have the on/off switch.
Sorry, but I don’t really find either one of those offensive.

Maybe I’m too jaded living in house with 3 teen or nearly boys! That’s nothing!

(If you want to be offended, come visit an elementary school playground some day!!)
I agree. And you’re not too jaded at all. To be honest, I replayed both twice, thinking there must be something more! When do I get offended? :confused:

ER: Is a clip that warns GRAPHIC!!! I’m expecting to see unbridled sexuality, horrendous langauge, nudity, etc…I get a guy mention breast feeding and a woman say something about peeking at her *breasts but they used another word…Thats it? Its real world non offensive dialogue between two adults imo.

The other one DESIRE, all the guy says at the end of clip is harsher word for ****? LOL!

Nope, I find nothing wrong with either. I also dont watch ER or DESIRE btw, but not due to offensivness, they just arent on my list of must see tv.
I’ve only seen a little ER. But it seems to that every time something that really happens is portrayed in art, there are those who would sooner shut it down than acknowledge that it really happens. This seems only the latest example. I’d rather sign a petition against people who think not glossing over the real world in favor of popcorn entertainment means a work is bad, and actively labor to get those shows, games, movies and books that don’t align to their personal preferences fined, penalized or shut down.
Addendum: Are you serious, by the way? You can’t be. I thought I’d see something much worse in there. You have heard of the woman who killed her friend, ripped out her fetus, and killed her three children? And we’re on a holy crusade to protect America from hearing a naughty word and talk about breast-feeding?

I can’t imagine who you’re trying to protect. Kids prolly aren’t watching these shows, and I’d imagine the majority of the adult population can handle the outrage overload from hearing profanity.
Nothing against the poster, but this got me thinking about people in general who get too puritanical with tv shows. I think the height of American ignorance was in the 50s when I love Lucy couldnt depict two married people sharing the same bed. Or when Lucy couldnt say “pregnant”

I wonder what the first sitcom was that finally showed a married couple in the same bed - Were they separate beds in Brady Bunch? I cannot recall. Anyway, I bet the FCC was flooded with puritanical crazies when the first sitcom showed a married couple sharing a single bed! We may have gone too far to the other end in todays age with what is depicted, but when its all averaged out, I’d rather be where we’re at now then go back to the mentality of Lucy and Ricky and Rob and Laura in separate beds.
Maybe those weren’t bad as all that but I once saw an ER episode where one of the characters was talking to her mother about that fact that she was a lesbian…her mother was devastated and said she was dissappointed.

The character said “Don’t be disappointed in me - be disappointed in the limits of your faith…”

I didn’t rant to the FCC, but I’ve never cared to watch ER again…!!!
Since I watch neither, I do not have standing to file a complaint.
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