That’s liekly a Board of Education violation.
This is the point I was trying to make earlier.
I got very tired of the red tape and politics in the Catholic school. The children were wonderful Even the worst kid was better than what my friends in other schools reported. But when anything needed to be canceled it was ALWAYS my religion class. When someone needed to sub or babysit on the playground who did they ask? Me. They skipped my class constantly because it was “just religion” no worries, just say a couple of Hail Marys and call it done. When children who were clearly hurting did poorly in school and i was the only who defended them and asked for intervention, they saw me as a know-nothing because they wanted to fail the kid. No one wanted to have compassion because kids with poor grades brought the averages down.
The parents, who paid high prices to have their kids enrolled felt like they were paying so much we could excuse the random little troublemaker.
It’s not a bed of roses School is school, Parent who want exceptions for their children are the same everywhere.
So glad to be out. It’s much different workign in parishes.