A friend contemplating a religious vocation to the Diaconate met with someone from the Diocese. He told the Diocesan official that he had reached the point in his discernment where he recognized the need for spiritual direction. He was given a contact person who offered spiritual direction to people discerning religious vocations.
He met with the Spiritual Director who agreed to take him on. The Spiritual Director then informed my friend that there was a $50 charge per meeting. Is this customary? It sounded problematic to me for several reasons, but I don’t know enough about the process to advise him one way or the other.
He met with the Spiritual Director who agreed to take him on. The Spiritual Director then informed my friend that there was a $50 charge per meeting. Is this customary? It sounded problematic to me for several reasons, but I don’t know enough about the process to advise him one way or the other.