Abba Father, I seek you this morning worshipping You in the splendor of Your truth and light. I humbly ask you to heal the discouraging state of my financial affairs. I am asking you to intervene in matters in my life where I was manipulated, lied to, and treated unjustly. I offer up to you the pain of having money, inheritances and property outright stolen from me, offered up for those around the world oppressed by wicked people. Restore to me all that was selfishly snatched from me in Your perfect Way that is like no other.
Father, fill me with the Holy Spirit, that I would be sanctified and useful for Your work. Make me a loyal and faithful steward of all money and property you bless me with from this moment forward. As you bless me, cause me to bless others and look out for their interests, not just my own. I humbly ask this in the Adorable and Precious Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Father, fill me with the Holy Spirit, that I would be sanctified and useful for Your work. Make me a loyal and faithful steward of all money and property you bless me with from this moment forward. As you bless me, cause me to bless others and look out for their interests, not just my own. I humbly ask this in the Adorable and Precious Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.