I am currently discerning a vocation and was wondering if I could get some advice. While I don’t have any experience with the EF Mass, other than what I read and have heard and seen in videos, I feel very drawn to it. I know that the Novus Ordo Mass is valid and beautiful, but in my heart it is not the manner in which I want to praise God. Just as some are called to be a Benedictine rather than a Dominican, or a priest rather than a brother, I feel called to the Latin Rite of the Mass. For me and others, the atmosphere is more in context for worshipping our sacred God.
My question pertains to getting a spiritual director for a “traditional” vocation, (if that is the right term). The church at my university does not have the EF Mass, but I have found a church about 40 minutes away that does. Would it be weird if I were to travel to that church for the EF Mass and seek spiritual direction there, if the priest was willing? I just don’t want to bark up the wrong tree at my university parish, if you know what I mean.
Thank you for any prayers or advice,
My question pertains to getting a spiritual director for a “traditional” vocation, (if that is the right term). The church at my university does not have the EF Mass, but I have found a church about 40 minutes away that does. Would it be weird if I were to travel to that church for the EF Mass and seek spiritual direction there, if the priest was willing? I just don’t want to bark up the wrong tree at my university parish, if you know what I mean.
Thank you for any prayers or advice,