Finding a Spiritual Director

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Any suggestions as to the best way to find a spiritual director? I use to discuss spiritual matters with a priest friend but since moving away (10+ years ago), I got married, had kids, and haven’t found a replacement. (Just making the time to search has been difficult.) I’m looking for a priest or religious who aspires to holiness, is true to the Catholic faith, and is willing to give it to me straight. (Reading a book on St. Padre Pio…wouldn’t he have been a great spiritual director.) Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Any suggestions as to the best way to find a spiritual director? I use to discuss spiritual matters with a priest friend but since moving away (10+ years ago), I got married, had kids, and haven’t found a replacement. (Just making the time to search has been difficult.) I’m looking for a priest or religious who aspires to holiness, is true to the Catholic faith, and is willing to give it to me straight. (Reading a book on St. Padre Pio…wouldn’t he have been a great spiritual director.) Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Joe, you may want to look for a local outpost for Opus Dei. I currently see an Opus Dei priest in St. Louis and find them to be quite solid. I have been seeing him for about a year and it has helped a lot!


Opus Dei priests!!! as Marc recommeneded.

Pray to God to find you a way to receive this gift.

in XT.
What is the difference between a spiritual director and a parish priest? Are they not usually one and the same? (I know they don’t have to be, I ask what is usual).

I’ve seen many references to “discuss it with your spiritual director” but then I see many other comments such as one I just read where a guy said he specifically asked a priest during confession if what he did was wrong and the priest did not answer him but just absolved him of everything, leaving him to wonder if the one act was sinful or not. Doesn’t sound like much spiritual direction went on there.

So what does having a spiritual director mean to the ordinary person?
a ponder to ponder. obviously not everybody can have a spiritual director. there aren’t enough to go around. i need one, but i can’t
further burden an already overloaded priest. if every one were to seek a director, the problem becomes readily evident.
I was just wondering if any one would consider going to a lay person for Spiritual Direction?
Hey I have asked the Apologist and others here at CAF what the qualifications and training is needed for a SD? Who can be one? Why has my parish never put out announcements regarding SD training or needing one? Who reviews the SD comments to ensure they are othrodox? WOW I was beginning to think this was my own personal desert.
I would love to have a spiritual director, but in my one-priest town, I’m not sure it will happen. How does one find a spiritual director? Good question.
The college from which I graduated has a certification program for Spiritual Direction. A good director will have some training in Direction. However, the school is fairly heterodox, and I’m not sure I would trust a Director from there! 😦

I have been looking for a long time and with no success.

Then I realised that the Lord knows my real needs better than I know them myself!

I turned to prayer and asked the Lord to guide me to a Spiritual Director that would understand me and my needs.

Within a very short amount of time I was grented my prayer and have a wonderful, compassionate Priest as my Spiritual Director whom I meet once a month.

My friends, we can spend much time wondering and searching. Pray. Pray and ask the Lord to choose your Spiritual Director. The fact that you are looking for one is pleasing to God.

God already knows who you need. Ask Him to reveal it.
Retired Priest’s are a great source of SD’s. Why not check your diocese for those who may be available to serve as an SD?
Any suggestions as to the best way to find a spiritual director?
The best one? Pick up the phone and call the diocese chancery.

Many dioceses have formation programs and offer a pool of spiritual directors to choose from, some being lay people, others religious, others priests.


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