First Comes Love by Dr. Scott Hahn

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Anybody catch Mike Aquilina and Scott Hahn 12-11-05 on the First Comes Love series on EWTN?

Hahn says that research and book by the same name is the foundation of all that he has written.

This episode paints the backdrop of the idea of family in the Bible.

As Hahn says
  1. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph reflects the intimacy and union of the Holy Trinity
  2. In ancient times, there was a much broader sense of family. The best example we might have is that the twelve tribes, descendents of Israel (Jacob), were actually a very large family, of course.
  3. As time has gone by, families have become more disintegrated, and the sense of family has been lost, except perhaps in the household. But, even that has been severely degraded in our times.
  4. The salvation from God brings us and restores us into God’s family, which restores the family idea that otherwise has been lost. This concept of family, “brothers and sisters”, underlies a lot of writing in the NT.
That’s quite a big story, you must admit. I wouldn’t have watched an entire episode of this series on EWTN, but by chance this one episode pulled it together for me.
As I continue my reading of Scripture Matters by Scott Hahn, I find that chapter three gives an introduction to the notion of the religious or spiritual family that is the model of the New Testament.

I feel like I’ve been asleep and have just woke up. I don’t know how the idea of family could be overlooked when it is so obvious, and so obviously important.

Got to hand it to Mother Angelica for referring to her viewers as “Family.”
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