These are questions prepared for a review for children about to receive their First Communion. The idea was to take the concepts directly from the Compendium, which the parents have a copy of, but to word the concepts on a 2nd grade level. I’m also looking for suggestions about how the wording might be improved, considering the age group, but especially interested in criticism as to unintended confusion or error.
What is the Eucharist?
Circle the BEST response:
What is the Eucharist?
Circle the BEST response:
- The Eucharist is
a. a symbol of the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus on the Cross, like a picture, a movie, a poem, or a song.
b. just like the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, but new each time
c. the exact same, one-and-only sacrifice in which Jesus offered His Body and Blood on the Cross. - The Eucharist is
a. the highest and best thing that the Church does
b. a really good way to worship God
c. not as good as saying the rosary, but a very good way to pray - Our worship of God at Mass includes
a. The Liturgy of the Word, the part with the readings and the homily
b. The Liturgy of the Eucharist, the part when the bread and wine are blessed and consecrated and communion is shared.
c. The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist , all as one piece. - When we say the Mass is a memorial of the sacrifice Jesus offered to the Father on the Cross, we mean that it
a. is like a play or a movie, in which we pretend what happened.
b. is like when we imagine someone who is dead as if they were alive again, and it really feels as if they were really there.
c. brings us to the real event, so that we are really there ourselves. - We should
a. show respect for the Blessed Sacrament, because the Blessed Sacrament is a symbol of Jesus.
b. adore and show every reverence for the Blessed Sacrament, because the Blessed Sacrament is Jesus, our Lord and God. - When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, we meet him
a. as a symbol, as if we had a picture or heard a recording of him
b. in person but not personally, as if we saw him speaking from a stage
c. in person as if he were talking directly to us, looking into our eyes
d. more in person than any other human can ever be in person to us - Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament
a. as a symbol; it reminds us of him like a picture or special music
b. in Body only
c. in Spirit only, but it is the Spirit of God
d. in his Body and Blood, which is a symbol of God
e. totally, in both Body and Blood, and as both God and Man. - When the priest consecrates the bread and wine at Mass, what changes is
a. only what the things being consecrated look like or smell like.
b. only what the things being consecrated remind us of.
c. what the things being consecrated are, but not what they look like or smell like.
d. what the things being consecrated are, and what they look like and smell like, too. - When we receive Holy Communion, we must
a. not have committed what we know is a serious sin on purpose since the last time we celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
b. have our heart and mind as totally on Jesus we are able
c. not have eaten anything for at least one hour before receiving Communion.
d. always use actions that remind ourselves and others that we are receiving Jesus, who is our Lord and God.
e. all of the above