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I’ve been told that if one receives Holy Communion on every 1st Friday, that Jesus will call you to Him on the last day, is this true? It must be a doctrine or something. Someone please enlighten me or anyone else that wonder about this. Is it every Friday and for how long? Thanks. :confused:
First off lets call it what it is. A Catholic DEVOTION. It is a pius practice that has certain “promises” attached. One must approach Catholic devotion carefully. Making sure that the right intention is present. If someone is looking for a quick shortcut to Heaven, well there isn’t one. Hopefully First Fridays will help a person develop a love for the Catholic Mass and prayer.
and I believe to receive the promises it’s 9 first Fridays in a row.

Br. Rich SFO:
First off lets call it what it is. A Catholic DEVOTION. It is a pius practice that has certain “promises” attached. One must approach Catholic devotion carefully. Making sure that the right intention is present. If someone is looking for a quick shortcut to Heaven, well there isn’t one. Hopefully First Fridays will help a person develop a love for the Catholic Mass and prayer.
Sorry, you make it sound like all of God’s promises is a quick fix & shortcut to heaven; you’re statement really makes it appear that way. His promises are His bond, just as His comandments are.
I do not believe our God would deceive us in anyway; what He says is true and we should believe it. Observing the 9 First Fridays, just as daily communion does, naturally draws one much closer to God, is some of the fruites of Grace; just as daily Rosarys does.
There was another thread I was just reading entitled Catholics worship Mary, crosses, saints etc. and in it someone asked why other Christians view Catholics as not being truly Christian? I can tell you… it’s stuff like this! So let me get this straight… if someone goes to mass for 9 Fridays (ohhh… wait, it’s not just any old Friday, 9 FIRST Fridays) then Jesus (who is keeping track no doubt) is going to remember that person on the last day. Do you know how crazy that sounds? Where in the world is that in the Bible? Or anything even remotely like that in the Bible? And so what happens if you’re sick on First Friday #8… do you have to start over or can you pick up where you left off on the next First Friday because you have a good excuse? And what if you can’t make First Fridays… do 9 First Tuesdays in a row get you anything special??
 In the late 1600s, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque was the instrument through which Our Lord spread devotion to His Sacred Heart.  Christ appeared to her frequently throughout her life, making explicit her mission of spreading devotion to His Sacred Heart.  With the encouragement of Blessed Claude La Colombiere, her Jesuit confessor, and an understanding superior, Margaret Mary was finally able to inform others of her visions and to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart-first in her own convent, then to other Visitation houses, and later throughout France and the entire world.  Among the messages Our Lord gave her were these promises to those who developed and spread devotion to the Sacred Heart:
  1. “I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.”
  2. “I will establish peace in their homes.”
  3. “I will comfort them in their afflictions.”
  4. “I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all in death.”
  5. “I will bestow a large blessing upon all their undertakings.”
  6. “Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy.”
  7. “Tepid souls shall grow fervent.”
  8. “Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.”
  9. “I will bless every place where a picture of My Heart shall be set up and honored.”
  10. “I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.”
  11. “Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be blotted out.”
  12. “I promise thee in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday in nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving the Sacraments; My Divine heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.”
Hope that helps.
  1. “I promise thee in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday in nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving the Sacraments; My Divine heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.”
Hope that helps.
I have always wondered about this devotion. The promise appears to attach to one set of nine First Fridays. It does not have to be repeated every year, or does it?

I have the same question about the First Saturday devotion.

Does anyone know?
I think of the nine first fridays as an encouragement to daily mass, where available. The first saturday devotion is in honor of Mary. If we are faithful in these observations, as long as we have the proper intent, then it will help us be more holy. At least, that’s been my understanding. But, in the end, these *are *just devotions.
carol marie:
There was another thread I was just reading entitled Catholics worship Mary, crosses, saints etc. and in it someone asked why other Christians view Catholics as not being truly Christian? I can tell you… it’s stuff like this! So let me get this straight… if someone goes to mass for 9 Fridays (ohhh… wait, it’s not just any old Friday, 9 FIRST Fridays) then Jesus (who is keeping track no doubt) is going to remember that person on the last day. Do you know how crazy that sounds? Where in the world is that in the Bible? Or anything even remotely like that in the Bible? And so what happens if you’re sick on First Friday #8… do you have to start over or can you pick up where you left off on the next First Friday because you have a good excuse? And what if you can’t make First Fridays… do 9 First Tuesdays in a row get you anything special??
Not necessary to go to Mass, but to receive Communion on 9 consecutive 1st Fridays. And yes, my understanding is that is if you miss one Friday, one needs to start over. Of course it’s not in the Bible; neither is alot of Catholic doctrine and religious rights are. Are all the appearances on earth of the Blessed Virgin in the Bible? No.
Not necessary to go to Mass, but to receive Communion on 9 consecutive 1st Fridays. And yes, my understanding is that is if you miss one Friday, one needs to start over. Of course it’s not in the Bible; neither is alot of Catholic doctrine and religious rights are. Are all the appearances on earth of the Blessed Virgin in the Bible? No.
This devotion is one of the hardest devotions to carry out - trust me I have tried. You would think it one of the easiest things in the world to do. It is not, the devil tries very hard to make sure you don’t complete it. For some reason or another something you JUST HAVE to do will be on the 1st Friday of the Month at Mass time!

I haven’t had a Mass on Fridays available to me for a long time now or I’d keep trying!

God have mercy on me pleassssse!
Carol Marie,

I’m short on time, but I did want to respond to you with a quick post.

You wrote: “There was another thread I was just reading entitled Catholics worship Mary, crosses, saints etc. and in it someone asked why other Christians view Catholics as not being truly Christian? I can tell you… it’s stuff like this!”

First off, why does “stuff like this” have anything to do with whether someone is a Christian or not? You commented, “Where in the world is that in the Bible?” Well, sola scriptura and “once saved, always saved” aren’t in the Bible either, but I don’t consider my Protestant brethren to be non-Christians as a consequence.

Having said that, I think you need to separate private revelation (which is what this devotion stems from) from general revelation. No Catholic is required to “believe” in private revelation. I would also echo a previous post in that one needs to approach such devotions with care: pious acts of devotion are very laudable, and the promises attached to particular devotions are attached to the pious attidude they engender if they help us become more holy and receptive to God’s grace. Superstition, which the Church condemns, is different: if I do some act because I think it’s my free ticket to heaven, that is getting into dangerous waters…
I did not mean to say that Catholics are not Christians and I’m very sorry if that’s the way it came out. When I wrote that post I was very frustrated because I have been a Bible Thumping Christian for many years and it seems that God is literally dragging me kicking and screaming into the Catholic Church and I find myself having to compromise all the time… OK, I’ll accept the Mary thing… yes I get it that they don’t think she’s God… yes I get the Saint thing… just like asking my friend to pray for me, only better… yes I get the literal interpretation of “This is my body…” etc. But then I come across something like: Attend 9 First Friday Masses = Free Ticket to Heaven and I think what the heck? No way! Can’t do it! Enough already! It’s just way too out of my sola scriptura pysche to come to terms with. Which explains why I was ranting. Sorry if I was offensive. I didn’t mean it, I’m just frustrated. I’ve honestly grown to love you nutty Catholics. (kidding! I don’t think you’re nuts! Well… maybe a little but give God time and he’ll change that opinion of mine too!) 🙂 CM
Carol Marie,

Thanks for your response, and I apologize if I was rather curt in my previous post.

I am a Catholic who fell away from the Church for quite a while (atheism to Protestantism to whateverism) but who finally, through the grace of God, came back home. Even though I was gone for years, I think that having been raised Catholic in an observant if not fervent home had its effects: one of the effects being an easy acceptance of Catholic devotions. It is easy for me to forget just how foreign they may seem to someone who was not raised with them. I hope you will continue to ask questions when things seem just way-y-y too wierd…
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