First meeting with Vocation Director

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Next week I have my first meeting with the vocation Director for the diocese. Just wondering what I should expect and what kind of questions might be asked?

Looking forward to making my vocation reality after many years thinking about it!

Also, what should I ask him?

God Bless you all.
First off, God bless you for your willingness to pursue the calling he has for you in life. Know that you are in my prayers.

The initial meeting, at least in my experience, was just for becoming acquainted. I told my Vocation Director a bit about myself, my background, my prayer life, etc. I asked him questions about the timeline, so to speak, of seminary formation and other things I wasn’t clear on. Ask whatever you like, and don’t expect that this will be anything too intense–it will likely be mostly informal. Dress nicely (I’d say minimum of slacks and a polo, perhaps a shirt and tie if you’re so inclined), be on time and polite, and relax.

Hope it goes well, and feel free to PM me with any questions.

My experience was a lot like Edward George’s. The Vocation director will probably just try to get to know you a bit and describe to you what you need to do to proceed and what to expect. He will also most likely answer any initial questions you have. Hopefully all goes well for you.


That’s awesome. I’ll pray for you.

I’d imagine the advice you’ve received is right on- try to relax. It’s not a job interview, where you can (or even want to) “sell yourself.” They (the church) want to explore your calling as much as you do! :gopray2:
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