Hello all
I’m new to the forum so please tell me if anything I did here is “wrong” (actually my first post).
What was the on-the-ground reality of the Tridentine Mass after the 1964-1969 period in the US? And traditionalism generally? To be clear I’m NOT condoning illicit worship in any form, this is just because I want to know what it was like. Can anyone share their experiences or knowledge? Specifically:
I’m new to the forum so please tell me if anything I did here is “wrong” (actually my first post).
What was the on-the-ground reality of the Tridentine Mass after the 1964-1969 period in the US? And traditionalism generally? To be clear I’m NOT condoning illicit worship in any form, this is just because I want to know what it was like. Can anyone share their experiences or knowledge? Specifically:
- I know elderly priests were exempt from the Novus Ordo come 1969 and could celebrate private Masses in the earlier form. Regina Magazine says there were roughly a dozen of these Masses in the late 1970s. My questions here are:
-Were they also exempt from the changes of 1964-1967?
-Did they have servers?
-Were laity (or religious) allowed into these Masses? Both the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law saw they can still attend private Mases, but did this actually occur?
-Did you or someone you know have any experience with them? What were they like? - I heard the three Feeneyite groups in Massachussets who reconciled with the Church continued using the Tridentine Mass, but can anyone confirm this?
- Individual priests got what’s called a celebret from the Vatican to keep using the 1962 Missal publicly. Both St. Padre Pio and St. Josemaría Escrivá did this. Were there any other such priests? Do you know exactly what this celebret system was?
- How common was the Novus Ordo celebrated “traditionally” ie. Latin, ad orientam, chant, Communion kneeling under only one Spedies? What do you know about these and what experience with them did you have?
- What was your experiences with the Indult Masses after 1984 or what do you know about them? Specifically:
-What were they like?
-What kind of people were there?
-How hard did you have to push for them?
-When did they appear in what Diocese?
-When and where were they? I’ve heard they were in notoriously out-of-the-way places infrequently at odd times.
-After the FSSP formed how did they change the scene? - Generally what was it like being Catholic in those years. Specifically:
-What did you think of the changes of 1964-1967 ie. vernacular, standing for Communion, hymns, versus populum etc.
-What did you think of the Novus Ordo in 1969?
-What did you think of later changes like Communion under both Species or in the hand?
-The general changes of this era and decline of Catholicism? Do you have any particularly egregious incidents around education/ Catechesis, Mass, etc.?
-How did your friends/ family react?
-What was the opinion of most Catholics and wider society?
-Did you/ someone you know switch to an Eastern Catholic liturgy?
-Were there any other licit holdouts of the Tridentine Mass?
-Anything else? There’s probably a lot I’m not thinking of. - After Ecclesia Dei Adflicta we go into the so-called “liturgy wars” of the late 1980s and 1990s. What was that like? How did the traditionalist cause advance or change?
- Do you have any primary sources/ personal accounts from this period? Any recommended reading?