First Steps in Exploring a Call?

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I think I’m ready to formally explore a possible vocation to the priesthood. I’ve had it in the back of my mind for years, but I’ve continually ignored it. However the signs that God may be calling are becoming far to strong, and I know I can no longer push them aside. I owe it to myself - and more importantly - I owe it to Christ to at least explore the possibility.

So, that’s where I’m at. I haven’t told anybody yet except my closest friend who has been very supportive. (making you - the good folks at the second folks to know!) I’m fairly active in my current parish, but feel like I want to begin my formal discernment somewhat ‘under the radar’, so rather than speaking with my pastor, I think I’ll go directly to the diocesan vocations director to discuss this with. (I’m afraid I may run scared if too many people I know personally find out, which may cause unwanted pressure to make a decision)

So, here are my questions for those of you that have gone through this process yourself:

*1. What went through your minds when you finally decided to take that first step?
  1. What was your first step?
  2. What was that first meeting like when you shared with a priest/vocations director that you felt you may have a calling? What kind of guidance was offered?
  3. Any other advice for me drawn from your own experiences?*
Thanks so much for any counsel you can provide. Although excited about this, I’m also at the same time terrified by it! You’re support and prayers will be very much appreciated…
Hi Dave! I’ll try to answer your questions as best as possible, although the perspective you will be getting from me is that of a high school kid.

The first thing that I remember going through my mind was happiness because it had always been there in my mind and it was wearing me down because I had refused to acknowledge it.

My first step was prayer, and alot of it. Eucharistic Adoration helps! After praying for some time (don’t stop though! 🙂 ) I determined that I felt called to a religious order and not the eparchial route (I’m Byzantine so for you, it would be diocese) so I took the following placement survey from VISIONMagazine. -

That survey put me in contact with orders that matched my info, and from there by email I have been talking to vocations directors from different orders.

I can’t answer 3 as it doesnt apply to me yet.

Hope that helped!

Hi Dave!

I like this thread so let me answer your questions thought my answers in particular may not be very helpful.
*1. What went through your minds when you finally decided to take that first step? *
I made the decision about 2 weeks ago. I was scared and nervous at first. I just felt like I’m stepping into an huge dark ocean, not knowing what’s going to happen next. I had no one to turn to because I’m on vacations and I can’t even speak to my priest about it. I think that it’s the fact that I decided to trust in God that I was able to make this decision. Well, this and you guys on this forum. Well, these are some of the things that were (and many still are) going on in my mind.
  • First, I don’t think I’m the right person for such an position, which was also my initial objection to the idea. I’m not a great speaker or a great man of faith. Often I even feel embarrassment of my faith, which is someting that I carry with me from childhood and that is difficult to get rid of (though I’m trying). This isn’t something a priest should feel. I also know that many people have much deeper and stronger faith than I do.
  • I generally felt uneasy because I simply coudn’t imagine myself as a priest.
  • I also felt the fear that I’m wrong about all this - that it’s not God but me. Since I’ve never before wanted to be a priest the idea a bit more credible.
  • I was (and I still am) afraid that if I start discerning, the supposed call will start getting weaker and I will have to face the possibility that I’m wrong. I’m afraid that this would shake my faith. (Plus my parents will use it against me because they often critizise me for giving up and not sticking with things - and they are partially right about it.)
  • I simply can’t understand why me? Why would God want ME?
  • I was afraid of telling other people and hearing their reaction (this includes my parents but my also my ‘secular’ friends).
  • On the other hand, when I said yes, I felt strangelly good because I would be doing God’s will, which is what I latelly started asking God in my prayers to allow me to do. I felt like God has a place for me and I have a new way to express my love to him.
  • I felt new strenght to work on me as a person. I think I did improve in several aspects. 🙂
2. What was your first step?
Well, I think at first I need to speak to someone so I basically ‘confessed’ it here. The next day or so I told my mom. I’m not sure if that was the best idea, but I wanted to get it off my chest. In a perfect world, IMO the best first step would be to speak to my priest and through him get a spiritual director. I don’t think you should do things on your own unless they are OK with it. Of course I’ll have to wait some time before I can do that. I could send him an e-mail but I obviously want to talk to him face-to-face.
  1. What was that first meeting like when you shared with a priest/vocations director that you felt you may have a calling? What kind of guidance was offered?
Can’t say, sorry. But I’m really thrilled to hear other people’s experiences so I know what to expect.
*4. Any other advice for me drawn from your own experiences? *
I don’t really have many experiences so in this case I would rather listen than talk. I can give you the obvious advice about praying, going to adoration atc. but I’m sure you already know these.

In Christ,

Concerning other advice that I could give you. If you are close to your parish priest I would meet with him first. Just let him know about your fear of others finding out and I am sure that he will keep it confidential. The vocations director will probably tell you to get a spiritual director to help you discern before going to far.

I sense that you are allowing fear to control alot of your decision making. Fear is a normal emotion especially when making such a big, life changing decision, but do not allow fear to control you. Be prepared to give Jesus a whole hearted yes (scary I know, but it is the best way). If you are hesitant to long the decision making just becomes more difficult.

If you need some spiritual, emotional support be sure to watch the, “Fishers of Men” video put out by the U.S. Bishops.

FYI, I have been discerning and running from God’s call to the priesthood for about ten years. If all goes well I will leave for the seminary in the fall of this year.

As one of the priests in the Fishers of Men video says, “the call to the priesthood is not a natural call, but a supernatural one”.

God Bless you during your time of discernment,
Craig 🙂
Thanks guys. It’s good to know my experience is similar to others. I guess I have to own up to my ‘fears’, and just move on this. I’m putting too many other things on hold right now (relationships, career etc.) because I think I’m being called.

If anyone else sees this thread and would like to offer their comments, I’m all ears! 😉
  1. Pray - definitely first step.
  2. Then try and find a solid orthodox priest who will help you discern through regular spiritual direction.
He’ll help you from there discern the next step. 🙂
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