First TLM Tips/Advice

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Hi everyone,
I have been really wanting to attend my first TLM for awhile now, but I realize there is still so much that I do not know about it. I have done my own research but I feel like I am still missing a lot. My question to all of you would be if you could offer some advice/tips for an individual who would be attending their first TLM. Maybe some things that you wish you would’ve known? I would really appreciate anything you all have to offer (even if it might seem obvious, I would still appreciate the information that you have to offer). I will keep you all in my prayers! Thank you all very much and may God bless you!
Don’t be too caught up in trying to follow along. Immerse yourself in the beauty and mystery of it.

If you are wanting to follow along watch a few masses online first to get familiar with the structure.
Just enjoy it. Focus on the Eucharist and pray. Just be in the moment and witness what is going on.
Visiting a Traditional Latin Mass Traditional Catholicism
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Another "first TLM thread" with questions Traditional Catholicism
I attended my first TLM today and really enjoyed it. I found it to be very beautiful. I can see why some people prefer it and some don’t, however. I took some previous advice given here and left the missal at home so that I could just concentrate on what was going on. But that led me to feel a little insignificant (I know this sounds greedy of me), so I grabbed one of the missals in the pew and found the proper place. After reading the different prayers that were being said, I realized that the …
First TLM? Traditional Catholicism
I might have an opportunity to attend my first Tridentine Mass this weekend (maybe, hopefully–cross your fingers for me!). But I am very nervous. I have a couple issues, mostly about what to wear. They are: 1.) Communion. I’ve never received Communion on the tongue before, or at a kneeling rail, so I’m nervous about that. I’m not used to sticking my tongue out at people.
What if I drop it?
I’d hate to go a week without Communion if I don’t have to, but would it be …
My first TLM Traditional Catholicism
Hey guys, I just wanted to post to ask questions about going to my first TLM. They have had here in my diocese for a while and I am getting ready to be Confirmed next Sunday (Oct 7)
Praise be to God!!! I love my Parish and all the people there but I would like to go to a TLM …anyway, I was wondering how to do things when I go… I would like to find someone to go with me, but I dont think that many people in my Parish have been. I was just wondering what to expect, because I don’t want to…
Any tips for tlm first-timer? Traditional Catholicism
(sorry if this question has been asked before as i’m sure it has, but i was unable to find a similar post in the archives). i’m planning on attending a latin mass for the first time and i was wondering if i absolutely need to get the appropriate missal first or whether i can just go. that is, is it something i can just go and experience or is there any kind of preparation i need to do, especially as far as what i should expect with regard to the blessed sacrament? any tips? tomarin
First TLM - Help! Traditional Catholicism
Hello, I will be attending my first Tridentine Mass this Sunday. I have quickly read through the Ordinary of the mass, but I am still nervous about the gestures, what to say, when to say it, etc. Any suggestions? Thanks! John
Going to my first TLM, and have a few questions Traditional Catholicism
On Sunday I am planning on going to my first Tridentine Latin Mass. I just have a few questions: I do not own a mantilla. Will every woman probably have one so I will stand out if I don’t? Would it be disrepsectful to recieve Communion without wearing the mantilla? I’ve never recieved Communion on kneeling/on the tongue before. How much are you supposed to open your mouth, and do you actually stick out your tongue? Also, are you supposed to close your eyes as your recieve? Is it …
First TLM tomorrow Traditional Catholicism
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Attending first TLM this Sunday Traditional Catholicism
I was just brought into the Church on the Easter Vigil, and I am currently on vacation in the Diocese of Venice, FL. This Sunday I will be attending the TLM at St. Agnes Chapel in Naples, FL. Any advice for a first-timer?
My first TLM - advice Traditional Catholicism
I’m driving a friend to the airport very early tomorrow morning, and on my way back I’m going to try to catch the 6:45 AM Low Mass at St. Gianna’s Latin Mass community here in Tucson. What should I expect? How can I get the most out of, and put the most into, the Extraordinary Form? Any advice specific to St. Gianna’s from one who has attended Mass there would be especially helpful. Thanks, and peace be with you!
My First TLM - A Few Questions Traditional Catholicism
So I convinced a friend to go with me to a TLM about an hour away on Sunday, and now that I’ve had some time to think about it I’d like to ask a few questions. It was a ‘Low Mass’ and the only parts that we responded to were where, in the missal I borrowed from my Grandparents, the ‘S’ was marked by a ‘1’. Would this change depending on which mass you attended? Does a High vs. Low mass change this? I noticed that many more things were marked with a ‘3’ and it seemed (from what I understood in t…
My question to all of you would be if you could offer some advice/tips for an individual who would be attending their first TLM.
The first few times I attended the TLM, I too had studied and read up on what to expect, but it didn’t really compare to what I had envisioned in my mind. I thought I would be able to catch on and have some great spiritual experience.

In actuality, I was sort of disappointed because I realized quickly how little I knew about the TLM. It was unfamiliar and this unfamiliarity took time to overcome. I wanted to follow along and understand it the way I understood the NO.

You might feel awkward and out of place, when everyone else looks so comfortable and at home with the TLM. I would suggest not trying to be so concerned with where the priest is at during the Mass, but instead just relax and pray.

A prayer book might help you focus on the parts you do recognize. In time, your prayer life during Mass will soar and it becomes less about what the priest is doing and more about doing what we’ve always been taught to do… Pray the Mass.
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I think this is a good answer, actually. Like when I first attended an Orthodox Divine Liturgy, we simply soaked it in the first few times. The first time I ever attended a TLM (we woke up so late one Sunday there was no way we’d make it to liturgy and I told my husband we should check out a TLM for the experience) we did try to follow along for a while before giving up and just experiencing it.
Should I bring/purchase a missal to bring with? If so what should I look for when getting one? Also, how long does a TLM typically last? I’ve seen many different answers.
I’d get a basic missal that just includes the ordinary of the Mass. The FSSP bookstore sells them for about $5, but you’ll also usually find them in a basket to borrow at Church.

Watch a couple videos about TLM. If you’re able to, acquire the missal beforehand and browse through it before Mass.

Like the Ordinary Form, the Extraordinary form has certain parts of the Mass that don’t change (“the ordinary,”) and then certain parts that change daily, like the readings, introit, etc.

A Sung High Mass will last about 1.5 to 1.75 hours. A Low Mass may be 45 minutes to an hour long.

Here’s a handy guide from Baronius Press on when to typically sit, stand, and kneel:

Ok, this might be a stupid question, but are the homilies at a TLM also in Latin?
I recently purchased the daily Roman missal 3rd edition and read somewhere that the TLM is not included in this edition. Does anyone know if this is true?
By the Midwest Theological Forum? No, it’s not. It’s an OF Missal.
Yes that’s the one. I guess I should’ve done a little better research before I purchased it lol. Well hopefully I can return it
Pay attention to what is happening on the altar. And do what the faithful do in regards to posture (standing, kneeling and seated)
I’ve heard a lot of people recommending not using a missal the first time. I can imagine it probably helps to learn by observation too and be present
I wouldn’t recommend either. It takes away one’s attention because they still take some time to understand which part they are.

In time, we learn and memorize the Ordinary at home and going to Mass and become able to read the Proper along with the priest. The best way to do it in short time is to study the Ordinary at home.
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Can you give a quick explanation of what the “Ordinary” and “Proper” are? I’ve been confused about this.

Ordinary - It’s the “fixed part” of the Mass, that is, the prayers that are always said/sung by the presbyter (priest or Bishop).

Proper - It is the “variable part” of the Mass, that is, the Psalm, Prayers, Lectio, Gospel of the day theme.

In short, the structure of the Mass is:
  • Prayers at the Foor of the Altar (Ordinary)
  • Introit (Proper)
  • Kyrie (Ordinary)
  • Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Ordinary; not always said/sung)
  • Collect Prayer (Proper; there can be more than one during the same Mass)
  • Lectio (Proper)
  • Prayers before the Gospel (Ordinary)
  • Gospel (Proper)
  • Creed (Ordinary; not always said/sung)
  • Offertory (Ordinary)
  • Secreta Prayer (Proper; there can be more than one durnig the same Mass)
  • Preface (Proper)
  • Sanctus (Ordinary)
  • From Memento to final Doxology (Ordinary; this is the center of the Mass because Consecration happens here)
  • Pater (Ordinary; it is the “Our Father” prayer)
  • Communion of the presbyter prayers, from preparation to thanksgiving (Ordinary)
  • Communion Antiphon (Proper)
  • Post Communion Prayer (Proper; there can be more than one during the same Mass)
  • Dismissal, blessing and Last Gospel (Ordinary).
Before the Mass begins, mainly on Sundays, there is also the aspersion, which antyphon varies according the liturgical calendar.

There can be a sermon between the Gospel and the Creed.

Communion of the faithful usually happens between Communion of the Presbyter and the Communion Antyphon.

After the Low Mass (Last Gospel), it is also prayed compositions by Popes Leo XIII and Saint Pius X. This isn’t part of Mass though.
I’m planning on getting a Red Missal (I’ve heard this is great for newcomers), but after that what missal would you recommend?
I would say for a new attendee: 1) Don’t worry about what you do physically…kneel, stand, etc. 2) Need to combine what you read in the Missal to what you see on the alter and connect the two together. As soon as the 2nd time you attend it will make more sense.
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