Did anyone watch Dr. Phil today? I thought it was pretty good in showing the devastation of infidelity, especially on women. I couldn’t believe the crud that came from the mouths of the “admitted” adulterers that were there to “help” these women :banghead: !!! “That’s what guys do…” “It’s in our nature…” and other nonsense like that…I was disgusted by them. I certainly could relate to the women since I’m going through the same thing…only he hasn’t left me for one of his whores…the decision will be mine and little does he know that I will be ending it and not him. I think that the women were in the state they were in because they blamed themselves…I did too for about two seconds…his choice, his decision and it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with him and his selfishness! I liked the show today…did anyone else?