Five Ordinations for Fort Wayne- South Bend, IN

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I watched the video–it is clearly not a Tridentine Mass. What led you to believe that it was?
Where’s your diocese? Two more were ordained yesterday in Alabama
Columbus, Ohio. 5 more (God willing) next year, and a fair amount more in years to come
Yeah, I noticed that too. The headline does say “ordained in traditional mass.” I thought that meant EF at first as well.
Although the article says “traditional ordination Mass,” I don’t see an indication that it was an Extraordinary Form Latin Mass.
I am under the weather today, so I likely misinterpreted the “traditional ordination Mass” to mean the MEF. Apologies.
This was local TV news in a highly Protestant area… this probably seemed pretty traditional to them! This is our neighbor diocese to the north, so I figured I would have heard if they were doing EF Mass for the ordination. Bishop Rhoades usually shares that info on his Facebook page. Still, praise the Lord! Those 5 plus our 1 (smallest ‘class’ in recent memory, but we’ve been in transition for a while); we have more priests than we did last week, and that’s always good.
I live in this Diocese. We do have a Latin Mass community here (FSSP) but yeah , the title of this article is misleading…it was a regular OF Mass.
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