Flawed Scientific American Article on Russel Ogden’s Euthanasia ‘Research’

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Flawed Scientific American Article on Russel Ogden’s Euthanasia ‘Research’
Euthanasia activist’s ‘research’ taken seriously by Canadian politicians re: Bill C-407

TORONTO, September 20, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - In the June 2005 edition of Scientific American the article, “A Culture of Death” by Dianne Martindale, examines the work of Vancouver researcher and euthanasia activist, Russel Ogden. Ogden, in the early 1990’s, exposed in his master’s thesis an underground euthanasia movement among those who care for AIDS patients in Canada. Many in the homosexual subculture are known to advocate euthanasia as a solution to the suffering of AIDS patients. Former MP and prominent gay rights activist Svend Robinson has long been a strong advocate for legalized euthanasia.

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Schadenberg continues, “The reality is that Ogden is not only a euthanasia activist but he is part of the extreme death movement that includes Philip Nitschke, Derek Humphrey and a handful of others whose goal it is to bring euthanasia on demand to the world.”
I am building a website on Suicide, Abortion & Euthanasia and am almost the euthanasia section (I’ll tackle Bio-ethics next)

When the supposedly unbiased information people are getting come from people like Russel Ogden, it is just plain scary.
As Canada moves closer to the Dutch model in its proposed legislation to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide, Parliamentary and Senate committees have used Ogden’s data to support the argument that, like abortion, euthanasia is inevitable and ought to be legalized in order to make it “safe.”
People/politicians are being asked to make decisions without being given true and factual information. God help us all.
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