I’ve heard from other parents who tell me that they attended separate Masses–Dad would go while Mom stayed home with the children, and then Mom would go while Dad stayed home.
Frankly, I think that’s a good idea. I really don’t buy the idea that children need to attend Mass while they are toddlers and babies to be able to receive “graces.” I am a strong believer in childhood “readiness”. This applies to all aspects of child-rearing; e.g., reading readiness, weaning readiness, sleeping readiness, school readiness, sports readiness, etc. I believe that parents need to follow their own child’s “readiness” cues and introduce concepts and activities as the child is ready to assimilate them in a positive way.
So I think it would be better to teach the littlest ones about God at home until they’re around 3.5 or 4 and demonstrate the ability to sit still and not make noise for longer than a minute (!), and then begin taking them to Mass for just a few minutes and then taking them home (one parent would stay), and gradually increasing the time at Mass as the child demonstrates the ability to stay reasonably still and quiet.
Also, I think that anytime there is something in the parish that is geared towards little ones, it’s good to be there with the children so that they understand early that “church” is a place where they will be cherished and meet other people who believe in Jesus and love Him.
I used this technique with my children in Protestant worship services (which last much longer than Masses, and include a 30-45 minutes SERMON!), and it worked beautifully. I always prepared them for what they would see and hear in the service, and since I was involved with the church music, I would teach them the hymns so that they could sing along–we got some really interesting looks from people in front of us when our tiny girls were singing all the verses of hymns like “Holy Holy Holy”!
The result was the my girls looked forward to going to “the Big Church” as I called it, and didn’t whine or complain about being bored because they weren’t expected to sit quietly for an hour and a half when they weren’t ready to do that. And we didn’t have to keep getting up and bringing them out into in the narthex.
Hope this is helpful. If it sounds Protestant–well, keep in mind that Protestant churches seem to have a better record at retaining people than Catholic churches. I can see why parents get weary of wrestling with their children at Mass and start “skipping Mass” and then gradually lose interest in ever going back, and perhaps eventually start attending a Protestant church that has a nursery and a full program of teaching and activities for ages 2-6 while the parents are enjoying the worship service.