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As I read the post from the young men who are discerning their vocation, I feel myself a fool.

At 26 I was called to be a priest and ran from it in fear. I have been haunted by the call since then. I am now 43 and I am in a sucessful career and I am still single. A lot has happened since that day in 1990 and I was led to do plenty of different things…

I went to Iraq in 2003 with the Military and realised how much the Church meant to me. I went again in 2005 after finally getting confirmed (in 2004) and realised that God is still calling me to be a priest. I came back I now have a spiritual director and I am working working towards the discernment process.

There are a few hoops I have to jump through includeing some of my old fears. But I turn my will over to God daily and I am willing to accept whatever path He assigns…

Thanks for listening to me…
Your post gave me goosebumps and made my eyes fill up with tears! You will certainly be in my prayers. :signofcross:
A fool - I don’t think so. The fact you still acknowledge the strong call and continue to discern makes you unique and unafraid. Two tours of duty - perhaps that was the call and plan for you all along.

What a unique perspective, if you are indeed called to be a priest, to be able to give to soldiers and others ministered to.

Age - don’t worry about it. We recently installed five priests in our diocese. One was 45 (doctor and lawyer) and another was 62 (widowed former military).

Continue to pray that God’s plan for you reveals itself in its own time.

thanks also for your service to our country
I’ll pray for you that you stay strong in your commitment to our Lord. Peace be with you…and don’t forget to update us on how its going:thumbsup: .
St. Francis of Assisi was called “God’s Fool,” so be a fool for God and all will be well.

Prayers for you,

~~ the phoenix
Go heed the call! We need good loyal Priests! I will send your cause to our Lady - she will help you.
I just wanted to add my encouragement to the others. Your experience in the world will be invaluable to you in your ministry. I sometimes think most men shouldn’t become priests before they have had some “real world” experience. Of course, that’s just my opinion and a subject for another thread.

God bless you as you go through the discernment process. Please let us know about your journey so we can pray knowing how things are going for you (in general terms, of course, we don’t expect you to reveal “all” to us 😉 ). You have my prayers and thanks for considering the call and having the courage to follow it no matter where it might lead you.
I’m a college seminarian who is 18 years old, and to be honest, I give you a lot of credit for coming to those realizations. In many respects, I have lived in a bubble. Some of it was by choice, some wasn’t. Twelve years of Catholic school later, I am thankful that I have been given that schooling because I feel that it gave me both the knowledge and the grace to enter directly into my vocation with confidence. However, part of me wishes that I was able to experience some of the more secular parts of society in order to be more “experienced” when I began my seminary studies. In that way, I envy you. I supposed that the way in which one searches for the priesthood doesn’t matter, as long as their quest is one of purity and they find what they are looking for.

In any case, just know that I am very proud of you for coming back to Christ, because being in today’s society for a long time makes it that much harder to hear the call of Jesus. God bless and good luck. 👍
Thank you all for your kind comments and much appreciated prayers.

The one thing I didn’t mention was a lady (Mary) from New York, who in 1989 who owned a local Catholic Book Store. She convinced me to go to a (SP?) corcillio that year and sponsored me. After that I went to see a priest by her recommendation and out of that conversation I first felt the call. I had a dramatic Spirtual Experience that left me with the unshakable knowledge that Christ is active in my life. (best way for me to describe it)

It was also the reason for my fear and I know that doesn’t make sense (even to me)… It wasn’t until my experience in War that led me to an actual need to know more about my faith and an overwhelming desire to come in full communion with the Church. That was when I came into RCIA and and was sealed by the Holy Spirit in the Sacrement of Confirmation. That experience (along with my Sobriety of 7/11/1987) impacted and changed my life.

LOL I am lost without spell check… Anyway, Mary you were an angel in my life and you will always be in my prayer. God bless her work and her love in Christ.

Thank you all again 🙂
Thank you all for your kind comments and much appreciated prayers.

The one thing I didn’t mention was a lady (Mary) from New York, who in 1989 who owned a local Catholic Book Store. She convinced me to go to a (SP?) corcillio that year and sponsored me. After that I went to see a priest by her recommendation and out of that conversation I first felt the call. I had a dramatic Spirtual Experience that left me with the unshakable knowledge that Christ is active in my life. (best way for me to describe it)

It was also the reason for my fear and I know that doesn’t make sense (even to me)… It wasn’t until my experience in War that led me to an actual need to know more about my faith and an overwhelming desire to come in full communion with the Church. That was when I came into RCIA and and was sealed by the Holy Spirit in the Sacrement of Confirmation. That experience (along with my Sobriety of 7/11/1987) impacted and changed my life.

LOL I am lost without spell check… Anyway, Mary you were an angel in my life and you will always be in my prayer. God bless her work and her love in Christ.

Thank you all again 🙂
Maybe it is not a coincidence that her name was Mary? 😉
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