Please join me in prayer for A.J., a chronically ill young
man who has suffered a stroke.
Prayer for Stroke Patients
Have mercy, O loving Father, upon Your servant A.J.
and all others who have suffered strokes. Grant them:
strength, hope, and faith during rehabilitation;
restoration of speech and mobility; the fulness of life
on earth; and a home in eternal glory.
Through Christ Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with
You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Let's Pray a Perpetual Rosary Spirituality
man who has suffered a stroke.
Prayer for Stroke Patients
Have mercy, O loving Father, upon Your servant A.J.
and all others who have suffered strokes. Grant them:
strength, hope, and faith during rehabilitation;
restoration of speech and mobility; the fulness of life
on earth; and a home in eternal glory.
Through Christ Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with
You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Fourth Luminous Mystery: the Transfiguration (Hail Mary 4) [transfiguration2] Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Amen. +++++++++++ Intentions For: an end to COVID-19 and all other epidemics; the health of all priests and other clergy; healing of all who have caught this disease or other dangerous infections; the Holy…