There is an extremely potent anti-depressant that is used for the treatment of severe, treatment-resistant depression and anxiety known as Nardil. Some of the plants that produce the active ingredient for the companies that manufacture the tablets have ceased making it, and now it is in short supply in the US and UK, completely unavailable and discontinued in NZ and AU, and on perpetual backorder in Canada. Without this drug, many people may very well suffer intensely and/or suicide (myself included.) It is a drug of the class known as MAOIs, which were the first anti-depressants invented and still are the most effective; sometimes more effective than even ECT. Each MAOI has its own distinct effects aside from their main anti-depressant effects, and for many Nardil is the only one they can take that works, so switching to a different MAOI is not going to help. Please, everyone, storm Heaven and help us. This is a terrifying situation for thousands upon thousands of people, but we seem to be too few for anyone in authority to care that we may die.
St. Dymphna, pray for us.
St. Jude, pray for us.
Our Lady of Mental Peace, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, pray for us.
St. Jude, pray for us.
Our Lady of Mental Peace, pray for us.