For From Rising of the Sun - Malachi 1:11

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I find it interesting that Malachi 1:11 prefiguring the Mass says

“For from the rising of the Sun even to the going down, my name is great among the Gentiles, and in every place there is Sacrifice, and there is offered to my name a clean oblation…” (D-R Bible)

I find it curious that Protestant translations render “Sacrifice” above as Incense (KJV,RSV) while the Douay-Rheims and New American Bible render it a Sacrifice. I’ve seen Protestants that will try to wiggle around the implications of the above verse by saying the Incense promised in everyplace is prayer since Incense is a type for prayer and the clean oblation in every place is prayer of a pure heart. I’ve also seen some Protestants try to say while the Incense fulfilled in prayer will be offered in every place, the clean oblation is the once for all sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. I think the structure of the sentence avoids these conclusions as well as the fact the earliest Christians a la The Didiache interpreted the verse as referring to the Mass… I be interested in anyone who knew about this verse in reference to the original languages.
every time I have seen this quoted it is in support of the teaching that the Mass is the sacrifice of Calvary perpetuated on all the altars of the world; interesting that those Protestants who take exception with that interpretation prefer to translate sacrifice to “incense” given that they are not too crazy about our use of incense, either.
Well the Latin Vulgate is pretty definitive:

et in omni loco sacrificatur

I’m not very good in Greek, but the Septuagint appears to use a word that can be translated as “incense.”
Well the Latin Vulgate is pretty definitive:

et in omni loco sacrificatur

I’m not very good in Greek, but the Septuagint appears to use a word that can be translated as “incense.”
In the original Douay text is the following

11 For from the rising of the sunne euen to the going downe, great is my name among the Gentils, & in euerie place there is sacrificing, and there is offered to my name a cleane oblation: because my name is great among the Gentils, sayth the Lord of hosts.

Also in Strong’s greek and hebrew dictionary for the word “qatar” is incense,sacrafice as interchangeable.

I would say that St Jeromes interpretation is valid.

I find it interesting that Malachi 1:11 prefiguring the Mass says

“For from the rising of the Sun even to the going down, my name is great among the Gentiles, and in every place there is Sacrifice, and there is offered to my name a clean oblation…” (D-R Bible)

I find it curious that Protestant translations render “Sacrifice” above as Incense (KJV,RSV) while the Douay-Rheims and New American Bible render it a Sacrifice. I’ve seen Protestants that will try to wiggle around the implications of the above verse by saying the Incense promised in everyplace is prayer since Incense is a type for prayer and the clean oblation in every place is prayer of a pure heart. I’ve also seen some Protestants try to say while the Incense fulfilled in prayer will be offered in every place, the clean oblation is the once for all sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. I think the structure of the sentence avoids these conclusions as well as the fact the earliest Christians a la The Didiache interpreted the verse as referring to the Mass… I be interested in anyone who knew about this verse in reference to the original languages.
Just thought this might be interesting as follows the Jesuit answer to the protestant questions regarding the sacrafice for that scripture in the original Douay notes. I know it is not easy to read.

[10] 10. *I haue no vvil in you.] *Manie Prophets (as vve haue often noted) did foreshevv the reiection of the Ievves, and vocation of the Gentils: but none more plainly then this here; by vvhom God expresly sayth: I haue no vvil in you: and I vvil not receiue gift of your hand. [Subnote: Reiection of the Ievves and vocation of the Gentils.] The reason is also explicated in this chapter, because God most peculiarly louing them, they vvere stil vngratful, and dispised him, committing sinnes vpon sinnes. And therfore in their place, he would bring in the Gentils: and that not anie one, or fevv nations, but al from the rising of the sunne, to the going downe therof, should sovvner or later come into his Church.

[11] 11. *In euerie place there is sacrificing] *God not only changed, and multiplied his people, but also changed, and bettered his Sacrifice. [Subnote: Al old sacrifices abolished, and the sacrifice of Christs bodie & bloud prophecied.] For in place of sacrificing cattel, birdes, and other weake and poore creatures, vvhich vvere not able to purge sinnes, and vvere also polluted oftentimes by the sinnes of them that offered the same, God here promiseth a most effectual, pure, & excellent daylie Sacrifice, to continevv perpetually in al places of his Church, that can not be polluted. VVhich accordingly our Blessed Redemer and Sauiour instituted, of his ovvne bodie and bloud, in the formes of bread and vvine. As al ancient Fathers proue, by this place amongst others. So S. Iustinus Martyr teacheth, in dialogo cum Triphone. S. Cyprian li. 1, c. 18. aduersus Iudæos: S. Damascen. li 4. c. 14 de fide Orthodoxa. S. Ierom, S. Theodoret, and S. Cyril in their commentaries vpon this place. S. Augustin li. 18 c. 35. de ciuit. S. Chrysostom in Ps. 95. and Orat. 2. contra Iudæos. shevving plainly, and vrging the Ievves, and al oppugners of this Catholique beleefe and doctrine, that this prophecie is no otherwise fulfilled, but in the daylie Sacrifice of the Church. [Subnote: Proued by the fathers.] [Subnote: And reasons deduced from the scriptures.] For that here is prophecied an other Sacrifice, distinct and different from the Ievves sacrifices: neither vvere sacrifices offered in al the vvorld, neither could be ordinarily offered out of Ierusalem. But of this most sacred Mysterie, and particularly that it is here prophecied, there is so much published by ancient and late vvriters, that more nedeth not to be here added.

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