For my 12yr old daughter

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Please pray for my daughter who is struggling with middle school. She is so young and impressionable and the schools seem to promote political correctness to a point of morally corrupting our children. She is only twelve years old and is not mature enough to stand up for what she truly believes in and not old enough to make the moral decisions she is facing. Also, please pray for me as I will begin homeschooling her for the remainder of this year.
I believe you had made a wise choice. The same thing happened to my daughter in middle school. I homeschooled her and my son for 6 years. My daughter graduated from Seton Homeshooling and is now in college and is doing wonderful! I am so happy I did it. God gave me the grace to do it, because I was/am very ill during the time I did it. Thank you, Lord!

Good luck,
Please pray for my daughter who is struggling with middle school. She is so young and impressionable and the schools seem to promote political correctness to a point of morally corrupting our children. She is only twelve years old and is not mature enough to stand up for what she truly believes in and not old enough to make the moral decisions she is facing. Also, please pray for me as I will begin homeschooling her for the remainder of this year.
I will pray for you and your daughter:gopray2:
I think you made an excellent choice in taking her out of that place. I will pray for both of you as you begin this new journey.
God bless and help you both.

My sister homeschooled her children and never regretted it.
Praying for you and your daughter.

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb,
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.
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