The Rock
One Friday a man walking along a river bank picked up a rock, but this rock was like no other. He imagined that he was able to lay upon the rock the many difficulties that consumed his heart; all of life’s burdens, troubles, pain, and suffering.
He took the rock home, placed it before the cross in his room and said a prayer. He asked the Lord to help him to deal with all the many burdens and troubles that he had placed before Him. With faith and trust, he believed the Lord heard and would answer his plea for help.
Some time later the man awoke; filled with the healing power of the Lord’s compassion and love. For the first time, in a very long time, he no longer felt overwhelmed by all that had troubled him for so long. He felt that he had been given the grace to be able to deal with the many obstacles that every day life would impose on him. The man was overjoyed that he was now free.
One Friday our Lord Jesus Christ picked up a cross. Upon it lay the weight of all the burdens, troubles, and sinfulness of mankind. With true love and compassion he carried this cross to its final destination. He carried with him all the pain that this world would ever endure. On Friday afternoon he bowed his head and breathe his last. It was now finished.
On Easter Sunday morning many prayers were answered. Jesus moved away the large rock that locked Him in the tomb. He walked past the rock that was meant to close Him in forever and never looked back. He conquered sin and death for all eternity.
Once we cast away our burdens and troubles, we too must never look back. Free from the things that weighed us down, we must now look forward to our heavenly crown. With His passion and death, our Lord opened up the Golden Gates. As we journey home, evading the many obstacles in our way, he patiently waits.
Our Lord Jesus Christ said to Peter, “You are rock, and upon this rock I will build my church.” It’s amazing that Jesus used the rock to describe his church. No two rocks are the same. Each has its own unique beauty and imperfections. But together, each support the ones that follow bonded together they become one. The finished product is a mosaic of beauty laid upon the throne of Almighty God.
A rock is only a rock when it stands alone. But The Kingdom of God will be built stone by precious stone!
God’s Servant,
Just something I wrote some time ago; I hope it helps! Anthony