For my wife...

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My wife is a wonderful person, but she is a non-Christian, also she is Japanese and was raised in a country where Christianity only makes up about 1% of the total population. I really want her to convert to the faith so she can help me to raise our children as Catholics in a Catholic home. So do any of you know any special prayers, really powerful ones, that I could pray for the conversion of my wife?
My wife is a wonderful person, but she is a non-Christian, also she is Japanese and was raised in a country where Christianity only makes up about 1% of the total population. I really want her to convert to the faith so she can help me to raise our children as Catholics in a Catholic home. So do any of you know any special prayers, really powerful ones, that I could pray for the conversion of my wife?
Dear friend

The Holy Mass is the MOST powerful prayer of the church. Ask your Priest to say a Mass for the conversaion of your wife and to raise this intention as a private intention between you and him and God and the people present will raise this as the Priests intention.

I will remember your wife and yourself before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday and say a prayer for her conversion I will need her first name, you can private message me with this if you prefer and IT WILL remain confidential.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Yes, I suggest you buy a Green Scapular and get it blessed. You can do 2 things with it…
  1. Hang it in your room somewhere if she does not mind having religious items in the house OR
  2. Hide it somewhere in the house, under the matress, in the closet, anywhere.
Then you need to say this prayer daily for her conversion. "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death."

The Green Scapular is very powerful for conversions. It does not need to be worn like the Brown Scapular and needs no enrollment like the Brown. You just need to say the prayer, have faith, hand it over to God and the Blessed Mother, and let them do their work with time.

Pray to St Monica. She had a difficult, pagan husband, and 2 difficult sons. All converted eventually, and one of her sons was cannonized. He is St Augustine. Pretty impressive results for a bit of prayer and a lot of faith.

God bless you and I will keep you in my prayers for conversions. I am working fervently on praying for conversions for my loved ones also. Tough, hard hearts.

God is amazing.
Say the rosary with the special intention of your wife’s conversion.

It’s said that one rosary can stop a war… surely it can convert a person.
How about Paul Miki and the Japanese martyrs, or St. Francis Xavier, the great missionary to Japan.
The Chaplet for Conversion is something else you can do. Another poster,Mary’s Lamb, gave me this a while back that I have been saying daily.

The chaplet goes as follows:
First:There is the crucifix (Say 1 creed for the unbelievers of the World),

This is followed by 3 beads Say:
1 Our Father in petition to the Father for the Grace of Conversion for the world;
1 Hail Mary honoring the Father for this exultation of Mary- a mere creature- and choosing to honor her with the title Queen of heaven and Mediatrix of all graces;
1 Hail Holy Queen)

Then there is 1 bead (On the traditional rosary it would be an Our Father bead) On this “large” bead of each “mystery” say:
“O Holy Mother, I join you at the foot of your Son’s Cross to implore Mercy and Conversion for the Souls of the world. With you I offer the wounds of your Son Jesus to the Father in atonement for the sins of the world, past, present and to come.”

Then there is the Circle of beads. Each “mystery” is only 5 beads (unlike the traditional rosary with 10.) On each of the 5 “small” beads (on the traditional rosary it would be a Hail Mary beads) say:
“Through the sorrowful, bleeding Immaculate Heart of Mary and in union with the suffering of her Son Jesus on the Cross I implore of the Father the grace of conversion for the world.”

There are 5 “mysteries” just like the traditional rosary. End each little mystery with one Hail Mary (no bead) in honor of Mary’s tears of sorrow and say:
“Holy Mother Mary, Mediatrix of all graces obtain for us from God the Conversion of the World.”

The Chaplet ends with 3 Glory Be’s in honor of the Blessed Trinity (no beads) and the Hail Holy Queen (no bead).

So in the end there are: 3+1(=4) beads in the beginning of the chaplet. The Circle of beads is 5+1+ 5+1+ 5+1+ 5+1+ 5, back to the joint, (=29beads). 29+4= 33. I hope this isn’t too confusing.

It is a beautiful prayer. God Bless.
The Best prayer is the one you say with your life! How you treat her, your peers, you children. The Joy you have during hardships and the peace you have while in dispair.

The best things a man can do for his children is to be a good husband.

The best way to touch your wife with the faith is to be a good Catholic.

Let our preaching be in our walking. - St. Francis of Assisi
Hi Peacemonger,

Check this site out, it has rally helped me and my wife. The power of fasting combined with prayer is amazing.

I hope you like it…

I agree with Dismas. Being a good person is testifying with your life. One other thing you may consider is finding points in her beliefs that are consistent with the Catholic faith; such as being kind to your neighbor. This is a good place to begin to build on.

May God bless you and your family,
Deacon Tony SFO
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