This is related to my other English tranlations thread but has a little different perspective I want to give full consideration. You guys reject infallibility, i.e. men cannot be infallible. Correct. Now I will allow you if you like to say that in writing scripture, the sacred writers were infallible. I agree completely with that and we have no quarrellel. Or you might say the Holy Spirit which was infallible dictated it to them. I think this has a lack of balance regarding how the scriptures got here but I won’t debate that with you here either. The scriptures as written by the Sacred Writers were infallible. I said were.
Here’s the problem for you. There are no longer infallible men even if there was at the time of the writings according to your theology. I even hear non-catholics say all the time “well noone can get it all right” concerning interprutaion of the scriptures. Well how is tranlating them any different. Can anyone or any group tranlate the whole Bible absolutely 100% infallibly inerrantly free of mistakes, in complete fidelity to the original text and meaning? If so what is the scriptural basis on which you guarantee that tranlations are completely inerrant and infallible? What is the mechanism? You must then accept some conditional infallibility dogma so what is it. If not it seems to me you have a problem. You have an infallibility doctrine (that the Bible is the infallible word of God is your doctrine) but you apply it to English translations that you cannot call infallible. Don’t view these posts as an attack on the Bible. I hold it to be the inerrant word of God. I do have a present day mechanism of infallibility.
Looking forward to your replies.
Here’s the problem for you. There are no longer infallible men even if there was at the time of the writings according to your theology. I even hear non-catholics say all the time “well noone can get it all right” concerning interprutaion of the scriptures. Well how is tranlating them any different. Can anyone or any group tranlate the whole Bible absolutely 100% infallibly inerrantly free of mistakes, in complete fidelity to the original text and meaning? If so what is the scriptural basis on which you guarantee that tranlations are completely inerrant and infallible? What is the mechanism? You must then accept some conditional infallibility dogma so what is it. If not it seems to me you have a problem. You have an infallibility doctrine (that the Bible is the infallible word of God is your doctrine) but you apply it to English translations that you cannot call infallible. Don’t view these posts as an attack on the Bible. I hold it to be the inerrant word of God. I do have a present day mechanism of infallibility.
Looking forward to your replies.