I left the church after my parents divorced (about age 10) because no one made me go anymore. I did not go to any church for several years, until a girl invited me to a methodist church youth group. I went there for a bit, but it didn’t feel right, so I stopped going to church for another 10+ years. I was agnostic for most of my teenage years and early 20’s. I proposed to my now wife who wanted to get married in a “pretty” church, not the “plain Jane Baptist” church she attended. So, we settled on marrying in the Catholic Church because they’re “pretty”. I talked to the priest who said I had to get confirmed in order to marry in the Catholic Church and I could start RCIA the next week. He did me a favor by letting me start in late January or early February and still be confirmed that Easter. He gave me a rosary and suggested I pray it that night. As I prayed the rosary I felt a sense of calm that I had not known in my adult life. I started to attend RCIA classes and only the required masses because I was only doing it to be married. After I got confirmed, I continued to pray the rosary. After a few weeks, I started to go to mass on Sundays because I wanted to. Then eventually I started to go on Wednesday’s (my “Sunday”) because once a week wasn’t enough. Shortly before I was married, I realized that I finally found my home in the church and truly believed the Church’s teachings. Ever since then I go to mass every Sunday and Wednesday. Here recently I started going on Tuesday mornings as well. I love going to mass as often as possible and my wife has been going with me for a few months now. She is considering converting, so I try to be the best Catholic I can by teaching her and encouraging questions. But overall, I attribute the Rosary being the driving force to my reversion to the Faith.