I am praying God to give Us, the people of the European Union, the grace of Wisdom and Charity to discern about the Universal Basic Income in Europe. You, God, gave the wisdom to people who prepared and accepted the Europe Citizen Initiative about Universal Basic Income in Europe. You, God, please, give us the Wisdom and Charity to support or reject it with our actions and signatures.
Blessed Mary, pray for us, pray for all the people for whom the successful completion of the Inintiative ma help!
St. Vincent Paul, intercessor for charitable organziations, pray for European Union and its Citizens to help them discern to end poverty completely!
Lord, help us!
p.s. There is my topic in the Social Justice form about the UBI Citizens Initiative/Petition.
Blessed Mary, pray for us, pray for all the people for whom the successful completion of the Inintiative ma help!
St. Vincent Paul, intercessor for charitable organziations, pray for European Union and its Citizens to help them discern to end poverty completely!
Lord, help us!
p.s. There is my topic in the Social Justice form about the UBI Citizens Initiative/Petition.
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