For those thinking or who thought of discerning priesthood - where would you go?

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Where would you go? Any particular order you would want to join? Or were you more thinking of joining the diocesan priesthood?

I’m not thinking about joining the preisthood much these days, although a year ago I was thinking about it. If I became a priest I was going to become a diocesan priest, mostly because I knew there’s such a need for it in this country (some parishes have to share a PP between them in my area), because I saw the good work that other diocesan priests were doing, and there was no order I really felt drawn to (well, I hadn’t really checked any out, but then again I didn’t really want to). What about you, where did you think of going?
I personally have a deep respect for the Jesuits. They, for the most part have a deep spirituality based on the teaching of St. Ignatius.
I am also inclined to Jesuits,but am not fully decided which order to join after gaduation next year.In Slovakia,there are quite good priest and also Jesuits,but what I could see abroad was not very encouraging.

And I am also in love with TLM mass.If I could ,I would love going often.
All in all, I want to join an orthodox order.
I first started out wanting to join an order. I’m still leaning towards joining an order, but I’m becoming more open to the idea of becoming a diocesan priest after seeing many orders that do not live out the vow of poverty, they don’t wear their habits, and they think and teach contrary to the Catholic faith. My biggest disappointment was the Conventual Franciscans. Their formation house is a “mess”. I spent time with them only to find out they do not act nor believe how Marytown does. This Holy Week, I’m visiting the Society of St. John Cantius. They dedicate their lives toward the restoration of the sacred. They have an indult for the Tridintine Mass, and they live out their vow of poverty. We’ll see how it goes. I’m also looking into the Fathers of Mercy and the CFRs. Personally, I’m looking for orthodox Catholicism, poverty, preaching, and ministry towards those who have left the Church or are struggling with it and are looking for help, and those who are physically struggling to survive with very little or no food, shelter, and clothing.
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