For those who didn't go to confession for a long while

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Or for those that were baptized and then converted to Catholicism years later and had to confess all those sins…

What was that like?

🤔 did you cry? Was it difficult? How did the priest handle it?
I didn’t go to confession for about fifteen years, during the time that I was away from the Church and engaging in all sorts of sinful activities. Many, many, many grave sins during that time.

I went back to confession on the spur of the moment, about six months after returning to regular mass attendance, and right around the time that I had a “reversion” experience in which I wasn’t just going through the motions.

Father was great. I confessed a few of the biggies, and I felt surprised that Father didn’t make a big deal out of hearing the horrible things I’d done. I hadn’t prepared ahead of time, and I think he sensed I wasn’t aware of what might or might not be a mortal sin, so he helped me by asking a couple questions. There wasn’t any “counseling” that I recall. But after he gave me absolution, there was a hearty “welcome home!” I’m smiling just thinking about it. He also encouraged me to make confession a regular habit, and to learn more about the faith, which I have (on both points).

The whole confession only took about five minutes. And I didn’t cry at all, which surprises me, now that I think about it.

If you haven’t been in a while, or ever if you’re a convert, I encourage you to just go. It’s not that big of a deal in what actually physically takes place in the confessional. You talk. The priest talks. He says a prayer.

But the unseen action of the sacrament, the effect on the soul, is often palpable.
I haven’t went ( if it was a valid confession) since maybe 2016. Convert here. Was baptized Easter Vigil 2016 but my mind… Of course I doubt including my baptism being valid and stuff. sigh @gertabelle
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For me, it doesn’t have to have been a long time – I usually cry at some point. Knowing that God is removing my heart of stone and welcoming me back into his arms is enough to get me going with the tears.
After 16 years I just treated it like a conversation with the priest. Listed everything I could readily remember, and made sure to list the things that were eating me up inside.
Just listed things of in a matter-of-fact way.
He was overjoyed that I came back and now I go about every two weeks.
I was away for about 18 years of committing various big fat sins and of course tons of little ones. One reason I wasn’t into going to confession is that I cry involuntarily in confession most of the time since childhood when I had an emotional situation with my mom and she made me go to confession.

When I decided to return, I simply went down to the diocesan Cathedral at 6:30 am, stood in line, went in, said my last confession was 18 years ago and barged down the list of big sins. I probably cried a little but that’s because I always do and also at that hour I was half asleep and I just wanted to get done as fast as possible.

It was a little scary because I thought the priest might yell at me. He was very nice though. He sounded happy. He said the Holy Spirit had put it in my heart to come back. I was in and out of there in probably 5 to 7 minutes.
I thought my priest would tell me off for the majority of the sins i commited and there were some whoppers. I’m actually glad I confessed to sins prior to my baptism
My first confession after reverting was driven by the desire for the Holy Eucharist. I was clueless and didn’t really understand about sin - I gave all that I could (which was pretty poor) and the priest simply accepted it, even the 'it has been over 30 years since my last confession. That was then and God has been helping me ever since.
Fr. Donald Callaway (Champions of the Rosary) has a great story on his own experience regarding his first confession and conversion. Get a hold of his truly amazing conversion story from Lighthouse Media.
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