Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
So my first question - Why be Catholic?
Because Jesus The Christ is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
The Catholic Church is the mystical body of Christ.
And the Catholic Church has The Eucharist which is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of the Lord Jesus The Christ.
Rejecting the Catholic Church is like rejecting Jesus The Christ Himself.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
far easier to be a protestant; no confession, no fasting, no Hell if you miss a Holy Day.
Easier life maybe in SOME cases, but they do NOT have the same assurance of salvation.
I would even say it is HARDER for them to attain salvation, especially in the more heretical Protestant groups.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
Protestants are baptised Christians and earnestly seek the Lord and therefore have access to the same Salvation as baptised Catholics, yes?
Yes, the same Salvation, but NOT the same assurance of Salvation.
If a Protestant prays to God for forgiveness, I doubt that they will physically hear God’s voice answering them.
When a Catholic goes to the Sacrament of Confession, the priest actually absolves the Catholic “in persona Christi” meaning the absolution actually came from Christ Himself.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
Catholics just seem to have a much rougher go of it.
To whom much is given, much is expected.
The Catholics have the fulness of the Truth, that gives them the most responsibility.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
Second question - How can we be sure of our own salvation?
Trust that God loves you.
Trust that He has a plan to save you, namely His Son Jesus and the Church Jesus built,
The Catholic Church has the ONLY reasonable claim to be that Church.
You just have to accept that salvation plan.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
I am devout practicing Catholic. I am Baptised and routinely exercise the gift of the Sacraments as often as possible. I seek Him the best I can. Is that enough?
Partaking of the Sacraments, especially the Sacrament of Confession, yes it is enough.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
Why or why not?
Because, if you confess your sins to a Catholic Priest, then the Priest can absolve your sins “in persona Christi”, meaning it is really Christ Himself who absolves your sins.
Then if you can remain without mortal sins until your death, then you will make it to heaven eventually. If you commit more mortal sins in the meantime, then go to Confession again.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
Yes, I know we should “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” but right now I need more than that.
If you think that GOD NEVER ABANDONED the Church He built, then The Holy Spirit must have protected that Church.
The Catholic Church has the ONLY reasonable claim to be that Church.
The Protestants will claim that the True Church is not visible, meaning that the True Church encompasses many different denominations and that they can agree on “important” issues and disagree on “non-important” issues.
That is a weak defense and they delude themsleves. The Protestant denominations don’t agree on BOTH “important” and “non-important” issues. Also, who gets to decide what is an “important” issue, they don’t even agree on that.
If they are all part of the True Church, then The Holy Spirit should be guiding them; if The Holy Spirit is guiding them, then why don’t they all agree?
Protestants who hear the arguments that the Catholic Church has the fulness of The Truth and then they reject the Catholic Church, have placed themselves in a questionable salvation position.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
Third question - Who is to say who can be Saved?
Lets say that “saved” means “make it to heaven”.
The Catholic Church’s Deposit Of Faith can say who can be saved.
Basically everyone can be saved, but the closer you are to the Truth, the more of an assurance you have that you will be saved. The farther away you are from the Truth, the less of an assurance you have that you will be saved.
The Catholic Chruch has the fullness of the Truth.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
No Salvation outside the Church unless…I’m confused.
Everyone who is properly baptised is part of the Catholic Church.
Everyone who desires the Truth and tries to live a good life has some kind of baptism that is acceptable to the Catholic Church: properly done water baptism, baptism of blood, explicit baptism of desire, and implicit baptism of desire. People who are “Invincibly Ignorant” will have one of these baptisms.
However those who hear an argument that the Truth is fully found in the Catholic Church and they reject that Truth or refuse to enquire about the Catholic Church, these people are in a precarious salvation position.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
In case you haven’t gotten it through the above questions, I am struggling here.
You shall reap if you faint not, falling away after knowing the Truth puts you in a percarious salvation position.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
My faith has been stretched and tested lately
I’m guessing thats because of all the uninformed Catholics, Cafeteria Catholics, heretics, and possible shills on this website.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
and I am earnestly seeking answers.
It is better to ask your questions in the Ask An Apologist section, if they don’t answer you, then do some searches on the CAF search function.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
So please prayerfully respond.
Sorry, I only gave you the answers. I think I got everything right, I apologize if I did’nt.
If not, hopefully there are some knowledgeable Catholics that can correct them.
Originally Posted by deepsouthpapist
Thank you much and may God bless all of you!
Your welcome!