Forgiving Venial Sins

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I know that the mark on the soul from venial sins can be healed in a number of ways, ranging from receiving the Eucharist to simply praying for forgiveness.
What I’m wondering is if there’s any difference between them. Is the soul partially healed by, say, a short prayer and then the Eucharist can heal it completely, or is one as good as the other in this regard?
The Eucharist is superior because of what it is, but we can only receive once a day.

It is better to take care of the venial sin immediately because they are so easily forgiven. The same reason why we shouldn’t wait to go to confession to ask forgiveness for venial sins.
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Yes, it makes sense that there would be a hierarchy of the different acts of contrition.

I guess the next question would be whether the Church teaches anything about how this hierarchy is ordered. Does the Eucharist completely erase the mark of venial sin, or does some of it linger until the next Confession?
And perhaps there is a difference between venial sins as well, so something small like an intrusive thought might be forgiven completely lower in the hierarchy than, say, a non-grave lie?
Does the Eucharist completely erase the mark of venial sin, or does some of it linger until the next Confession?
Jesus in the Eucharist completely erases venial sins assuming that the person is repentant.
And perhaps there is a difference between venial sins as well, so something small like an intrusive thought might be forgiven completely lower in the hierarchy than, say, a non-grave lie?
God does not rank venial sins in this way. It’s not like there’s “bigger” venial sins that “require more” to forgive. The criteria for venial sins is the same for all venial sins.
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God does not rank venial sins in this way. It’s not like there’s “bigger” venial sins that “require more” to forgive. The criteria for venial sins is the same for all venial sins.
Where do I find the source for this? Venial sins deserve temporal punishment and purgatorial punishment.
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Where do I find the source for this?
The Catechism. If you read all the references to venial sin, you will find no “subcategories” of venial sins like lesser venial sins, greater venial sins, etc. when it comes to forgiveness. Venial sins are all the same for purposes of forgiveness of venial sins.
Venial sins deserve temporal punishment and purgatorial punishment.
Temporal punishment, if not expiated in this world through some type of indulgence or suffering, is the same thing as purgatorial punishment.

Also, no one is debating whether venial sins deserve temporal punishment here. All we’re talking about is getting them forgiven. A forgiven sin whether mortal or venial may still require temporal punishment, and that’s just as true of “little” venial sins as of “big” venial sins and mortal sins.

Having one’s sins forgiven (for venial, by receiving Eucharist or other means the OP mentioned, and for mortal, by confession and absolution) never removes temporal punishment if God decides temporal punishment is warranted.
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It’s not the norm though.

“Like a provident mother, the Church has established from centuries-old practice and has received into its canon law a norm according to which it is lawful for the faithful to receive communion only once a day. That norm remains unchanged and is not to be disregarded simply for reasons of devotion. Any ill-advised desire to repeat communion must be countered by the truth that the more devoutly a person approaches the holy table the greater the power of that sacrament which feeds, strengthens, and expresses faith, charity, and the rest of the virtues.”

-Sacred Congregation of Rites, Immensae Caritatis , no. 13, (year 2004)

"…not to be disregarded simply for reasons of devotion."
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