i have dialouges with protestant friends about the prayer and point out to them that the Hail Mary is Bibilical. However, one friend had a response that was interesting. he said that since the prayer is composed by picking and choosing different verses of the Bible and puting them together, that the prayer is bad. he said he probably could pick and choose verses and make a prayer that could support any doctrine he wanted and still claim it to be Biblical.
any thoughts?
i have dialouges with protestant friends about the prayer and point out to them that the Hail Mary is Bibilical. However, one friend had a response that was interesting. he said that since the prayer is composed by picking and choosing different verses of the Bible and puting them together, that the prayer is bad. he said he probably could pick and choose verses and make a prayer that could support any doctrine he wanted and still claim it to be Biblical.
any thoughts?